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I ******** GOT HACKED!!![iiFluffypancake] ;-; DONATE, PLEASE<3
Hey there; Stalker(:
My name's Selena.
Tis ma birfdai on August 27th. (:
13 and in junior high
I live in a little town in California.
Currently, taken.
I may say some pretty homo s**t, but im not gay wink
I spend most of my time on this piece of s**t or on my phone. x;
Orange juice.. is my lover; can never have enough of it.
I was "bit by a shark" ;D
Gaia, pretty boring stuff; well thats what i start saying until i get obsessed all over again. But i still prefer Facebook.<3
I <3 NeverShoutNever.
My favorite colors are Black,Red,&Blue.
Emo, maybe.
I happen to think, that Justin Bieber is RLLY pretty. (:
I love hugs. Hug me!
I laugh at everything. And you can't get me to shutup.
I've had my heart broken. . But friends like YOU, make me forget it all. So thanks. I love you.
Planning to be a photographer<33 But honestly my photography sucks(:

I also love random comments or PMs.
Im Scared of frogs. :'P
in love and terrified of getting hurt, and death.
ah! tmi. forget everything i just told you!
XO, Selena.
[Irma, a.k.a. iiSmileyy, be my wifey ;D <333 && Adam, a.k.a. Xwaffle_cakesX, be my cookie ;D and Arturo, Burrito111, yeah hes my boyfriend.]
Questing; User Image. Thanks to someone who ******** hacked my other account, it shall now take a super long time to achieve., but nothings impossible.Donations are loved too. c: