
-x-Lisa-Anne-x-'s avatar

Last Login: 11/01/2010 1:03 pm

Registered: 06/14/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/04


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They Call Her Lisa-Anne x

She See's Through - Blue Eyes
She Brushes Through - Blonde (ish) Hair
She Has Blown Out - 12 Candles
She Last Touched Lips With - Him ??

Yeaa I Know Im 12 But 13 In October wink x

My Besties Kathriene - TalaYuka
Jen - VampireQueenHeart
Becky - Becky77777 (Sumin Like Dat)
My Bruva - Dont Ctully Know :s

I Toke A Quiz (What Colour Is My Personality??) --

You are calm and controlled. You are also very sweet and get along with others well. Sometimes others do not understand why you are so nice and think you have a hidden agenda. If you do...thats to bad, but if you don't you have nothing to worry about! =]

I Also Toke (Whats Your Japense Name??) --


it means "autumn" You are a friendly person and make friends rather easily. Autumn is the perfect season for you beacues the temperature is just right for you! You love to spend time outside or with your friends, and you can't get enough fun!

I Have 11 Roses , 10 Are Real 1 Is Fake & I Will Love You Until The Last One Dies x

Its Better To Lose A Lover Than Love A Loser ! Trust Me smile

come to our field and feel the cool breeze
with a new sense of purpose, as you and
me discover who we truly are.
my heart cries out, longing for you, and for our
love to never end,
and it never will for as long as you and
i live and beyond.
will you
take my hand and guide me through this life?
you are the light in all of my dark,
to let go would leave me in the shadows.
our love is the flame that lights the way for our
own lives to continue on the road in this
world without feeling lost or blind to
where we are headed, because we already know.
no one can ever touch my heart as you have, no
others could ever match you in comparison, no other
can dream to compare. you can
find my heart resting in your hand, uniting
us in an inseparable bond
for all of this everlasting

What am I?
I see without eyes
And know without Knowledge
I sing without a voice
And love with no heart
I cry without tears
And bite with no teeth
If you can tell what I am
You must be one too.
What am I?

:s by the way dont ask me for the answer cuz i dunno soz ,, but if you think youu got the answer can you tell me plz x



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lynerr Report | 06/16/2008 3:09 am

lol hello lisaaaaaa remembor mehh^^
-x-Lisa-Anne-x- Report | 06/14/2008 3:10 pm
Hey People x Put What Youu Like Here x && Enjoy biggrin x



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