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Dannii L
ll Yuuk...
iDonnut x3
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My DeviantArtFeedback is much appreciated! whee
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But, when I skate, I always hold onto the railing. ( x o x );;
Mostly for the skating events. 8D Like speed skating and figure skating.
Have you been watching the Olympics?
Hopefully, your computer will be fixed soon. Or is fixed already
Oh, that's ok. I understand. My other computer got a virus just a couple weeks ago.
Me, too! <3 Warm rooms after a cold day feels so good. <3
thanks! <3
Me, neither. They're crazy, lol. xD
A lot of my friends like the winter for skiing and snowboarding.
I'm more like, I LOVE MY WARM HOUSE. xD
SUMMER. <333
Cause school is out and it's warm. 8DDD <3
Yes. >D It does melt snow very well~
But, we got more snow. D: It's always like the opposite of yours. xD
When it snows over where you are, it doesn't snow over here. Lol