x Kyo Inuzuka x

x Kyo Inuzuka x's avatar

Birthday: 07/20


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Okay, well, I'm gonna make this short and sweet.
My name: Rachelle
My age: Well.. I'm 13
My gender: Female .. Incase you didn't know ;]
Things I like to do: I like to draw ^^ My mother thinks I'm a great artist, and I love to draw too. I mainly do computer art, and I know I should get away from that... I also love basket-ball. When I'm not tired, I can make almost every shot ^^.
Friends: Friends? Well.. I have a few.. Not many though... I only actually talk / socialize with about 5-8 people ^^
Pets: Well, I have a ton... I count strays as my own too, cause I feed them, and give them shelter as well ^^. I also count my dad's pet's as my own too. Name them off? Are you sure? Okay. My actual dog is Milo. Jack Russel Terrier. There's Buddy, a Shiatsu, I believe. There's Angus, A Pug/Jack Russel. The cats... There's Pepper, Raven, Sugar, Eggroll, Porkchop, Tiny, Mittens, Kovu, Kujo, Midnight, Cosmo, Wanda, Max, Neko, Blackie (I didn't name this one), Frick, Frack, Pepper (There are two Pepper's XD), Salt, Jack.. Should I go on ? There's Stripes, Graystripe (I named him after one of the warrior cats), Firestar, Sandstorm(Same with these two), Roxy, Shadow... And I think I've said enough to get it that I has alot x].
Disabilities: Hmm.. Well.. For one, I have a hearing problem. One of my ear drums busted when I was 2-3 ? I get ear aches all the time now. Mainly when I go into water though... And I used to have a speech impediment. I still kinda do now. It's a little hard to tell though. Yes.. I'm a little over weight, but you can't really tell ^^ Well, I also have bronchitis. It activates around smoke of any kind. I go into couching fits, and usually I can't breathe. It's horrid. The couching wont stop for hours, even with couching medicine. I have a bad knee (If that counts XD) and I usually randomly fall over some times cause it's an a**, being like "Fawk you!". Um.. I have very horrid hand eye coordination, and I'm very slow (Not like, running, or walking.) I split my head open, and now I can't grow hair in this one line in my bangs D: BUT YOU CAN'T TELL! HA! You would've never expected me to have any of this ;3
Blarg.. I'm bored, sop I'm gonna cut it short =_= (Very VERY short attention span xD)


View Journal

Kenshi's.... Journal... Thing...

Hai. It's just me... Typing random... Um.. Things?



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Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/08/2010 10:15 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
well, i think so, cuz i has a lovely posting style for a guy and he can transform and talk to owls.
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/08/2010 4:08 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
alrighties. are we gonna have powers or anything?
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/05/2010 5:38 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
a thread forum.
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/04/2010 6:15 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
hmm. alright.
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/02/2010 10:24 am
Unnoticeable Kohai
now we need plot... and an idea.
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 10/01/2010 4:01 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
okays. i can be a girl.

that sounded wierd.
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 09/26/2010 9:24 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai
hmm... do you prefer playing a guy or a girl?
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 09/25/2010 9:20 am
Unnoticeable Kohai
id love to rp with you! so, tell me what ideas you have?
Trevok01 Report | 08/27/2010 7:02 pm
im bored, this website is now very lame and boring. there is nothing really to do and i love you heart
Unnoticeable Kohai Report | 08/26/2010 4:50 pm
Unnoticeable Kohai

im really bored, and you username popped right up when i was looking at the my gaia page (we have a common friend, and kiba-kun was my first love redface

anyways, i was wondering if you'd like to roleplay with me in a 1x1...

sorry for randomly stalking you XP


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x Kyo Inuzuka x
Ollie The Sparkly Koi
Ninja Ryu Hyabusa
Lord Maraku

Haii guys XDMost people know me by Rachelle, or Kyo ^^Call me which ever you want x]

My sister Toni, Or Akishaa

Onie ^_^

Sora :D

Trev =]

Ryu :)

Inari's beads is the one main thing I'm aiming for XD

Woo... Journal.. (Kenshi was my old user.. x Kenshi Uchiha x )..

Friends are Epic =w=

Mara ;D