Jim Gaffigan--Cake

Jim Gaffigan--Salad

Smosh Teleporting Fat Guy


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vote4ghosts Report | 12/13/2017 1:56 pm
whats up this is my old account and i used to use a fake name bc my mom told me there were PREDATORS on the internet but now i am almost 22 and Not Afraid and also this is hilarious and gross and BOY do i wish i could get access to this account just to delete it lol
edward_cullen97 Report | 03/11/2011 8:47 am
dont you and your sister have facebook??? gaia is boring
temper_tandrum Report | 05/22/2009 10:42 am
I luff your profile music.
Is it ok if I add you?
Anita123rox123 Report | 02/16/2009 10:10 pm

I'm not 10.

What gave you that ideA?
vote4ghosts Report | 01/24/2009 10:45 am
Aha aha. Hai hacked me. ^-^
Lorennland Report | 01/17/2009 5:35 am
aww ty i love urs too!
vote4ghosts Report | 01/14/2009 3:15 pm
Jello Everyone. It's Gliiter telling you something important. If you are reading this, this account has gotten hacked, like "I can't get on because that son of a b***h changed my password." hacked. But, I'm on this account now so you can add me on this account toodle-oo!
umm_rawr Report | 01/13/2009 2:42 pm
im scard ;~;
umm_rawr Report | 01/13/2009 2:41 pm
ljkdserodsflj4t Report | 01/11/2009 5:56 pm
Thanks. n__n

Mai Stalkerz--

Stuff I Have On Right This Second


x-G l i i t e r

x-G l i i t e r's avatar

Last Login: 01/13/2009 3:09 pm

Gender: Female

About Mwah!

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Let us start, shall we?

Stuff I'm letting you know.
User ImageName- Johunna
User ImageYears Young- 12
User ImageGrade- 7
User ImageBirthday- Jan. 21
User ImageBestie- Averie
User ImageBest Guy Friend- Lance (I hate him so much)
User ImageFavorite Types of Music- Techno, Alternitive, Rock, a little pop

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Do I Dazzle You? ((Yes, I got that from Twilight))
Yep, that's me.
Me and Averie(x_QRAWR)
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LOL. We just edited this.

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Me and Averie again. ^-^

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Here's some other stuff:
I love poptarts, my friends, orange soda, Six Flags, and those Saltine cracker thingys. Meh favorite ride at Six Flags is the Bat Man and Mr. Freeze. I hate hackers, perverts, and everybody named Steven. Homeless people, mental people, and hospitals freack me out. I am afraid of ALL insects except butterflys, ladybugs, and ants. I also don't like fish AT ALL. I ate swimming with them, looking at them, and eating them. Meh bestie and I got homeroom again together this year. That is 3 years in a row of same homeroom! Averie and I met when we were in 4th grade. It was so fun. In June, I was in The Music Man Jr. and I played Eulalie Shinn. I love that play. My friend Lance is so funny and I've know him seince kindergarden. He is like my oldest friend besides Lanie. We closed her jammed locker and bang it with a shoe XD. The Edge is thw world's largest laser tagging arena in the world. And also, it is 5 minutes from my house! I made the volleyball team. #16, Baby! For some odd reason, My celebrity crush is Lucas Grabeal. I have no idea why because I hate High School Musical. I saw HSM3, it was okay, but it was WAY better than the other two. I just got braces AGAIN. They are light blue and white. I love the Twilight series. They are so freackin awesome. I don't like most noobs, but I am friends with some. I love music. My iPod never leaves my side. Here's the story of my family. My mom and dad met in Boston and got married. My dad was in the military so they had to move to Germany where my brother and sister Abby and Drake were born. They are twins. Then they moved to Seattle and had my brother Blake, who goes by his middle name Lucas. And then they moved to the beautiful island of New Zealand where they had me. Then, my mom died of a heart attack when I was just 1 year old. So my dad gave up the military where we moved to East St. Louis, which is where we live now. He met this woman named Lori and later, she became our step mom. Then, my dad got hit by a car. I was 8 at the time. So now we have a leagal gaurdian who is Lori, but she is technically our mom. That's my family story. I get along with most people. I guess the definition of me is weird. I am a whole bunch of stuff in one package. If you don't like it, why are you even reading this? Anyway, I think those profiles with pictures all around look stupid. And also when they make theri avatar really really big. FTW? So I won't do that. Online dating is stupid because you don't even get to see them and if they are offline, your loss, SUCKER! Sorry. Anyway, back to what we were talking about. My favorite comedian is Jim Gaffigan. ((Sorry Jeff Dunam)) If you've never heard of him, shoot yourself. If you don't like that option, look him up on You Tube or something. I personlly think his best tour was 'Beyond the Pale' So make sure you type Beyond the Pale after his name. It's so funny. I am a perfectionist, so I like those people who actually capitalize and don't talk all text-like and stuff. But if I'm lazy or talking to my friends I don't capitalize. I just find it easier if you actually put punctuation and correct grammer. For Christmas, I got a Wii, so if you ever want to Wi-Fi with Animal Crossing City Folk or something, just PM me. Ask if I have the game you wana play. I am actually looking for someone to do Animal Crossing with me so PM me your friend code. ^-^

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--My Likes--
>Zebra Print
>Gloomy Bear
>Chocolate Milk
>Random Stuff
>American Eagle
>Winter time
>Flapjack((The TV Show))
>Jim Gaffigan

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--My Hates--
>Hannah Montana

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Gaia Astrollogy! My sign is a:
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You have reached the end of my About Me section. Please enjoy my friends, multimedia, and comments that are public. >o
While you finish off, just scroll down to find a picture of a chinese girl dancing. Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment.
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Peace Out <34567

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My Awesome Music!

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.
