
Name: Chris; Chrissie
Age: Fifteen!
Gender: Female and proud!
Orientation: Bisexual, and loving it.
Grade: Ah-ah-ah!
Location: North Carolina
Single/Taken?: Single/Recently Broke up
Talents: I'm no brainiac. I'm not a jock, and I'm not a prep. I don't play instraments, other than a drum, and I can't speak any other languages. I can't save people, and I'm not a saint. I'm hot-headed sometimes, and deffinately not the kind of kid your mom would want you hanging out with. But I do know how to have a good time. You guess what my talents are based off that.



Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

x G e t O u t A l i v e x

Report | 07/04/2008 8:32 am

x G e t O u t A l i v e x

AW, thank you!!! <33

Report | 07/02/2008 12:54 pm


Awe (>^o^)>

You have the cutest avi ^0^
Xia Sanzo

Report | 08/01/2007 10:47 pm

Xia Sanzo

Yes yes i know Sanzo has purple eyes.... if i knew how or if i could change her eye color i would