This is Natallie/Yesenia. :] She's one of my best friends. She was recently discharged from the hospital after an accident, but she's doing so well now >.< heart I love her!
astrology sign: leo This is Nicole/Nickel
biggrin She's pretty flippin awesome....she's mature and smart but daaaamn she can be incredibly kinky xD silly hoe <3 She's the ddr queen and is usually yelling at me for something stupid I did, but we always have lots of fun together. In above picture, she is being eaten by Jaws. nuff said.
Astrology sign: Capricorn
biggrin She's so flippin cool. I wish I could hang out with her more, she goes to a different school now so I only see her on the weekends ]: Anyways, she's reeeeally pretty so I need to take more pics of her. xD She's also really shy but she's a wonderful poet!! Kare's like a hidden gem, and she's an awesome friend.
Astrology Sign: Pisces
Me David, looking hot in our 3D glasses
3nodding I met David only a few months ago and we really clicked!!!
biggrin He's a lot of fun to talk to. We have a lot of fun together and he's alternate other, haha. He will be a famous actor someday and hopefully he will remember my name.
biggrin David has this one piece of curly hair that he cuts ]: it makes me sad. the curl is ADORABLE. Oh, he's in water polo and he's a sophomore. P.S: He's ******** hilarious.
Astrology sign: Gemini
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