
User ImageShylala from a Maxwell's perspective: If Shyla were to be compared to any cliché thing to compare someone to, my first pick would be a flower. Shyla is like a flower for several reasons: first and foremost being that a lot of people like Shyla. They find Shyla pretty, light, cheery, just something you can enjoy without putting too much thought into. Some people enjoy setting Shyla up in a vase in the corner to brighten up a room. But then she begins to raid their refrigerator at night and her job pretty much ends there. However, amidst all the seas of people who appreciate Shyla for the cheerful simplicity of her most superficial presence and appearance, a very select few ever stop to pick apart this flower’s petals, to do the immensely difficult research it takes to find out the science behind her complexities; what makes her tick, why she is the type of flower she is, and other such properties of her being. However, it is this botanist’s belief that those who do take this time to let the flower reveal itself to them will not be left disappointed. Also, on top of all these reasons, Shyla is like a flower because her primary function in life is mediating the union of male and female gametes in order to produce seeds, and bees like to land on her from time to time to put pollen on their legs. That is all you really need to know about Shyla from an About Me section...if you’re interested, I recommend further study at Shyla’s Presence...which can be found wherever Shyla is.