
[[Written.in.Blood]]'s avatar

Last Login: 05/22/2009 2:29 am

Registered: 08/09/2006

Gender: Male


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rain.pours.down Report | 11/03/2006 8:17 pm
Well thank you again. You are very sweet. I will do my best to talk to you more. I don't spend a whole lot of time on line. I enjoy chatting with you.
-Lady Lizzie-
rain.pours.down Report | 11/03/2006 7:50 pm
That is so wonderful of you. Some how you always seem to make me smile. But yeah... My boyfriend and I broke up and it is really hard on me. We have been friends for eight years and we decided to keep the friendship but every time I see him I want to cry. So it is really hard. But I am ok. I have alot of friends and I am doing ok. So thank you. I love talking to you. You are so awesome. I hope to hear from you soon.
-Lady Lizzie-
rain.pours.down Report | 10/28/2006 8:41 pm
Hey there. Thank you for the comment.
Yeah I uppose I am. I have been going through alot here lately so I guess you could say that. lol. Okay well you take care of yourself and stay in contact!
-Lady Lizzie-
rain.pours.down Report | 09/26/2006 11:55 am
Awe. The comment that you put on my profile was so sweet. Thank you. It made me smile like alot. Ok well I got to run.
rain.pours.down Report | 09/21/2006 6:07 am
Heylo. I am the second person to comment... wow. Your second comment is a RANDOM PROFILE COMMENT! Not many people have that opportunity! lol. Take care love and hope you enjoy Gaia.
Lachrymary Report | 08/22/2006 6:17 pm
I have now broken your Comment Virginity Cherry..MWUHAHAHA...><
