. W I N T E R L O C K ' S . I C O N .

WinterLock's avatar

Birthday: 02/04

. C O N T A C T .

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. E Q U I P P E D . L I S T .

. I N T E R E S T . T A G S .

Remind me to update my interests.

. W I S H . L I S T . :3


. A B O U T .

. W I N T E R L O C K S .

Hello there, I'm WinterLocks~! I started registering and playing Gaia after TinierMe closed and/or shut down. It was simply irritable since I was a member on TinierMe for about 3 or 4 years. So far I've a good impression on Gaia and hope it doesn't close too. ;_; Hopefully the Gaians don't have xenophobia and are open to help me out around Gaia (Unfortunately I'm new xD). Besides this, I'm not really sure what else to say. I often tend to make forums about role-playing or blogs about tutorials and despise those who play as god during role-plays. I'm addicted to online virtual worlds and games such as Minecraft, TinierMe, WolfQuest, Club Penguin, etc. I also draw digital art and sometimes upload some of them onto DeviantART with a username of WinterLocks, just like on Gaia. I use Paint Tool Sai and a Bamboo Tablet if you were wondering ._.

. W I N T E R L O C K ' S . A Q U A R I U M . T A P P I L Y .

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

. M Y . D E A R . F R I E N D S .

. C O M M E N T S .

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Candyangelo Report | 04/25/2013 8:28 pm
I got your friend request! I'm terribly flattered. uWu
I myself am not the best artist around, to be honest but I'm really willing to push myself.

. F O R U M . P O S T S .

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