
Whitney9x1's avatar

Last Login: 04/22/2008 5:47 pm

Registered: 02/13/2007

Gender: Female

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Avi Art!

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from x B u n - B u n by Aro
(My Celeb Date kinda looks like "L" from Death Note which is cool.)

A Farewell

Gaia has unfortunately become not as important to me as long before. The magic started not in 2007 as stated in my profile, but 2005. I shared an account with my brother under BK90 (this is why I get away with making fun of him). We both went on all the time and enjoyed it very much. But there were issues:
Me: What is that you're posting!?!?! You're making BK look stupid!
Bro: Stupid!? If you think that's stupid look at what I had to change that you said yesterday!
Me: Don't edit my posts!!
You get the point (we don't fight to often).

Then one day we decided to create a separate account, Whitney9. Just an extra account to make more gold and make BK look good. Problem was I was stuck to using her when we wanted both to be on. Then I became attached and instead of sending my earnings to BK, I use them for myself. So I let him keep BK and I stuck with Whit. No more obligations telling me what to post!

BK90's Free Avi Contest was something we really enjoyed running. We both found it frustrating that regular who just wanted to participate in a friendly contest had to shell out gold. It was really tough running the contest but it taught us a lot.
Then my brother slowly stopped logging on. I would have to "nudge" him to get on and run his contest but eventually he just stopped it and also slowly started to move away from Gaia.
Even though he ended the contest, and posted it clearly to all, people still mailed him to join! Me, still active as ever, decided to take over the contest and run it my way.

I made ads, advertised, made more ads (I really liked making the ads), and highly enjoyed running my own contest.
But then the same disease the affected my brother slowly started to show on me. And foolish me didn't want to accept it. There were opportunities to close the contest, but I still kept it hoping that it would be the hook that would always take me back to Gaia. But then work started to pile up and I started to slowly not diverse myself between it and Gaia.

Then it happened. BAM! I stopped! I stopped during a fully loaded contest with two waiting for the next one! But it didn't bring me back. And I can tell you that no matter how insignificant something can be, it you put your heart into it, it hurts when it ends. For over a month, every single day I though, "Will I go on today?" I destroyed myself some days for not going on and closing the contest.

It's a long story of how I got on now but it's about time I'd finally be able to rest peacefully.
I would have never imagined ending the contest and Gaia. Not after three years. Not after continuing after my brother. Not after making all those ads!!!

So this is kinda the end. I am going back on soon hopefully to apologize to a guild I've been helping to support.

I'm not really sure how to conclude this, but I'll atlleast say that my Gaia Toolbar will always be on my screen.

OC Remix - Swimming Furries

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Other cool music!



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Whitney9x1 Report | 01/28/2008 1:33 pm
Gold comment
Whitney9x1 Report | 01/14/2008 1:29 pm
</span><table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr><td><span class="genmed">Sanjian Wrote:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">kool avi!</td></tr></table><span class="postbody">

Sanjian Report | 01/08/2008 5:45 am
kool avi!
Demoncurse Desire Report | 01/01/2008 5:24 pm
lol, thanks you wouldn't believe how many people stopped trying to scam me because of it.
Whitney9x1 Report | 12/23/2007 5:12 pm
GOld COment!
Whitney9x1 Report | 12/06/2007 5:13 pm
*Comment below is from comment I made in their profile*

Gold post!
Angelisousx Report | 12/06/2007 2:22 pm
Your welcome! But I don't know why this other person is telling me that I am forcing people to go to my profile..I just want to give out the right link...
BK90 Report | 11/18/2007 5:12 am
Gold comment right back at cha'!
Whitney9x1 Report | 11/13/2007 3:10 pm
Gold comment
heartz_of_darkness Report | 10/02/2007 2:04 am

I am "White" in Magic (although I don't play it; I play Yu-Gi-Oh. . . .)