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white_devil_hunter's avatar

Last Login: 05/21/2011 3:03 pm

Registered: 08/04/2006

Gender: Male


Hi im ben, Im generally a chilled out person and i try to get on with everybody and anybody. Im 17 about 5ft 10" i have blonde hair blue eyes. Im into Anime/Manga, PS2...and tons of music, mostly rock music like -][=][-][-][Y][- MCR, Blink 182, Angels & Airwaves, LostProphets, Green Day, System of a Down...etc. I can get really hyper at times and i am told by some of my mates that i have good sense of humour.

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original_bird Report | 02/06/2008 8:37 am
Hey bbe lol thoght i wud leave u a message lol ....... love u loads xxxxx
dark_messenger84 Report | 02/04/2008 10:45 am
Very smart XD
dark_messenger84 Report | 12/07/2007 3:25 am
Wow, nice hair do bob, did you finally sell that s**t?
~xhoofbitex~ Report | 11/17/2007 8:33 am
Ragh mighty Ben I thought I would comment cause I can XD and haven't done in a while yea this has no real point to it XD
dark_messenger84 Report | 09/14/2007 4:22 pm
Check my bitchin' avatar out now.
dark_messenger84 Report | 08/21/2007 6:23 am
I think you've just become infected with Mighty Hoof disease
oXPorkChopXo Report | 08/21/2007 5:35 am
hehe 3hours? damn hun o.o should of done cards and sold tickets much quicker ^.^ I have like 200k in gaia gold of tickets =P but I am saving up for an item, I might not actually buy >.> but anyways lol

Yea I supose but you wont be able to drink if you go back the same day User Image nuuuuuuu! well I am sure me and Shane could drink for you xD

~xhoofbitex~ Report | 08/21/2007 4:35 am
erm from the comment you left on dave' really need to cut back on your final fantasy intake....o.o;
oXPorkChopXo Report | 08/20/2007 11:17 am
Ohh nice profile!


Yea that be awesome if you want to come down, be a very long day for ya, you welcome to stay the night if ya like and go the next day that way you wont be driving for hours lol or drink driving .....O.o lol

Bring ya misses! thats if she isn't scared of us User Image User Image

Shane asked where she would sleep, I said with you...but the bed chair, thats just for one so he said we could glue her to the wall? o.o

Bad Shane always wanting to glue things to the wall ...he eyed me up with blue tac the other day then smiled o.o; help?

Nah we got cusions that were from a sofa lol she can lay on them ^-^ or you can either way there comfy me and Shane used them before we got our bed xD

Anyways blabbing over take care xx
dark_messenger84 Report | 08/20/2007 11:00 am
I got that jacket you were after. User Image