Hello! My names White-Mushi. I'll keep this short.
I'm an artist currently working on brainstorming up a web comic or something like that. I'm a total DA addict. My favorite artist has to be DaVinci and the other renaissance era artists. My favorites arn't limited to them though. I just can't think of any others right now. ehehehe...
I enjoy all kinds of music. Recently vocaliods and dubstep but I like a whole ton of other stuff. I think it's in the tags. Except country. It can rot for all I care. I'm also into fashion and design. Making awesome clothes and wearing them seems FRICKING GREAT.
I enjoy anime, manga, Japan in general actually. They're crazy and I LOVE IT. Acutally I enjoy all other cultures from around the world. I find beauty in most thing and cry a little when I see something absolutly wonderful. Be it a landscape, painting, a video game, or anything else.
I'm a avid videogame player. I don't care what you think but videogames are the SHIZNAT. Videogames are like movies that you can "live". If a game is extremely good, I tend to get emotional attached. Yeah, it's weird. REAL WEIRD.
That's about all I can think of right now. But there's a lot more that i haven't listed here.
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She's the one with the "offline" thing under her she has a feather in her hair and a gun.