
im serious and sometimes payful and weird razz
im intrested in all sorts of nationality and speak 3 langauges(japanese, english and spanish) fluently and im learning 3 more(itallan, french and greek)
ive always wanted to go to partying in europe (and i will when i turn 21) and japan thats why i speak it flently.

im a straigh A student my best subjects are maths, sceince, english and P.E. i play soccer, la cross and hockey at school. I do archery and touch football outside school.

i love all sorts of music even japanese pop and heavy metal see what i mean all music. my favorite bands are matchbox 20 and coldplay, my favorite singers are micheal bubble, seal, malcolm mclaren and santa esmeralda.


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Report | 04/28/2006 9:12 pm


i like this website(cause i look so cute as an japanese cartoon) BUT PEOPLE PLEASE TELL ME HOW DO I GET CLOTHES razz