Weary Druid

Weary Druid's avatar

Last Login: 03/02/2025 3:17 pm

Birthday: 01/30

Occupation: Freelance Graphic Artist


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Welcome To My World

Hey there! I used to be called Dreams can Kill, Duiling Cat Kunoichi, Hylian_dreams, among other things. Most people around the web from my Gaia days call me Dreams but you can also call me Weary if you want another online option!. I am LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent AF, and married just so you know a tad

I used to run the once active and LARGE wolf roleplays: Wolves: Shattered Packs and Wolves: Scars of The Warrior. I also had a Guild called Kuro Shiro that was extensively active back before 2012. Yikes I am old.

The friends you can make here are truly the highlight of this site. I hope to see it flourishing again one day. I am still actively in contact with some of the best friends I have ever made because of this site.

If you are interested in RPing Warrior Cats leave me a PM and I will try to get you a link. I had a very active one that was stolen from me so now I am starting from scratch again and I would love nothing better than to have more Gaians in the group!


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Short Stories and cool sites and such

Just a few short stories I write or find,and a few sites or pictures that are worth your time.


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Weary Druid Report | 10/08/2021 9:00 pm
Join me

I have a discord, this is a link to my Warrior Cat Roleplay but you can use it to find and add me too!
Ikurmo Report | 03/17/2016 8:04 am
SnowWolf1118 Report | 03/10/2016 7:23 pm
Ha, it fits I guess. My surname means, "Chosen One", so I could be a Drow elf of legend or something. It's definitely not a sunshine and rainbows kind of name.
SnowWolf1118 Report | 03/10/2016 5:55 pm
I thought as much, but I wasn't sure since I only know your first name. My first name means "born at night" and my middle name means "belonging to war". Can't do much with those, except for dark imagery.

Radiant Laurel, on the other hand, is beautiful. It's eye-catching and professional, while being playful. You can make a wonderful logo to accompany the name as well for business cards and such.
SnowWolf1118 Report | 03/10/2016 4:52 pm
Oh cool, it does sound more mature and professional. Definitely will attract possible clients. 3nodding
SnowWolf1118 Report | 03/10/2016 4:06 pm
You changed your username! It's really pretty!
Byun BaekHee Report | 09/03/2015 11:30 pm
Thank you for purchasing whee
Rurushu Ranperuji Report | 05/08/2015 9:18 am
to go anywhaere di ihavto xp xp xp xp mrgreen
Neon Mayhem Report | 03/29/2015 6:45 pm
My shop in the market place lol
Neon Mayhem Report | 03/29/2015 6:42 pm
Gaia lol


Like Cats? Role-play? Art? Games? Send me a PM!

I am a freelance graphic designer and digital artist.
In my free time I run a Warrior Cat RP on Discord, DM for a Link
I also play GW2 and other games


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MadHatterOfGames on 10/23/2019


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