Hey there! I used to be called Dreams can Kill, Duiling Cat Kunoichi, Hylian_dreams, among other things. Most people around the web from my Gaia days call me Dreams but you can also call me Weary if you want another online option!. I am LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent AF, and married just so you know a tad
I used to run the once active and LARGE wolf roleplays: Wolves: Shattered Packs and Wolves: Scars of The Warrior. I also had a Guild called Kuro Shiro that was extensively active back before 2012. Yikes I am old.
The friends you can make here are truly the highlight of this site. I hope to see it flourishing again one day. I am still actively in contact with some of the best friends I have ever made because of this site.
If you are interested in RPing Warrior Cats leave me a PM and I will try to get you a link. I had a very active one that was stolen from me so now I am starting from scratch again and I would love nothing better than to have more Gaians in the group!
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I have a discord, this is a link to my Warrior Cat Roleplay but you can use it to find and add me too!
Radiant Laurel, on the other hand, is beautiful. It's eye-catching and professional, while being playful. You can make a wonderful logo to accompany the name as well for business cards and such.