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Captain AllieCat on 08/21/2019

Bodyguard Captain

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Watari and Zarun's Journal

Lord Watari here. Within this journal are many entries from me and my brother, Zaruno. Within this journal are things from our minds: RP-related articles, poems, random messages, etc. I hope you enjoy browsing through our library of entries.


Watari Zarun

Watari Zarun's avatar

Last Login: 03/10/2013 9:16 pm

Registered: 05/05/2007

Gender: Male

Location: U.S. or Korea (specifics unavailable at this time)


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I'm a mixture of things- a mixture of people and personalities. I wear many masks, yet do not hide myself from those who I trust; those who I like. I'm a philosopher, a fighter, and a writer. Though I'm often naive and too trusting, I know what my limits are and am always a little cautious. Still, I take many risks- some of which resulted in great failures and lasting abnormal side-effects. -[ I know some of you are thinking I do drugs or something, but I don't. Stop assuming such awful things.]- I hold manners, intellect, and honor (among other things) in high regard.

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Captain AllieCat Report | 02/19/2013 6:07 pm
Captain AllieCat
Well, first things first, why are you smashing your head on the desk? Two, do you think so? Three, I've just been following but I suppose we can change a little bit.. I'll try to think of something. Fourth, hi.
dottypurrs-sis Report | 05/16/2012 3:19 pm
its ok ^^ on the 18th i have a spanish test and a math test cat_eek how about you? =D
dottypurrs-sis Report | 05/15/2012 6:40 pm
hello my friend cat_mrgreen so how are you? ^^
Watari Zarun Report | 05/15/2012 6:29 pm
Watari Zarun
"The elimination of fear is the elimination of bravery. Without fear, the only thing left would be a true monster."
~ A sensei of mine ~
Watari Zarun Report | 05/12/2012 10:49 am
Watari Zarun
The stars are my fireflies. Let's make some wishes, shall we?
Watari Zarun Report | 05/12/2012 2:36 am
Watari Zarun
Saki Konaharu Report | 05/02/2012 9:47 am
Saki Konaharu
All is well Watari I wish you happiness in your life.
-best wishes!
from, Saki and Zaraki
Takishiwa Report | 04/27/2012 4:13 am
Coolio, good luck with that!
Takishiwa Report | 04/26/2012 2:41 pm
Nothing much here, thanks. How about you?
Watari Zarun Report | 04/25/2012 8:28 pm
Watari Zarun
"You kidding? I treat slaves better than you!"
~ Between a guy and one of his good friends ~


Currently working on a book following an rp story. If you wish to participate, go to journal entry: "rp story- want to join?" for more info.



Saki Konaharu
boozed monkeys
Caustic Afterbirth
Zaraki Kenpachi2234778
Zaraki Kenpachi2234778
Knight Industries 3000
Blaze Hikari
Captain AllieCat

All our enemies shall fall without mercy!

Our world, our rules, our way.

I'm so cute! Give me a hug! [I'll bite your head off!]