Name; Voltage Nightmare [Call me Volt or Voltage]
Birth Date; July, 1
Birth Place; Silent Hill, Lakeside Amusement Park
Zodiac; Cancer
Age; 19
Height; 6'1'' (3'4" if look hedgie
razz )
Weight; 210 lbs
Eye color; Dark Blue
Hair color; 55% Dark Blue
Alignment(Side); Hero
Crush; Karin
Personality; His a laid back kind of person. Once you give him the respect that he earned we would really tend to care for that him or her. A Nice Sweet person as some females that know him that calls him that. His a a*****e Rotten person as he can sometimes show just to have a little bit of fun or just doesn't even like you. He Tends to b***h when you aggravate his judgment or just making him confused or just trying to piss him off. when sometimes you try to piss him off he will just laugh at you sometimes. Loves meeting new people that are kind. If he tends to care for you he well be next to you to stay out of trouble. Hates when people talk s**t out of no where and think they can kill him. He determines to be at his feet and not be taking down easily. Generally he will get sad at times so don't feel bad what he says or does. He does have a sense of humor at times as well and can make you laugh with randomness he has for people that are more likely his friend.
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