violette mist

violette mist's avatar

Registered: 01/24/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/07



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artificially Report | 03/06/2014 8:17 pm
      well all the candidates that made it past the initial round were contacted and given an interview date, and I feel lots of them will be able to actually be there in person ; o;
artificially Report | 03/06/2014 7:09 pm
      Exactly. I feel like my chances over a phone interview just won't be spectacular. orz
      Then again, I already thought my chances were bad enough that they wouldn't call me. LOL
      I basically was the only girl, only non-Business student (they're more geared toward business), and only first year student sooo LOL
artificially Report | 03/06/2014 6:55 pm
      I knowww ; u;
      It's going to be a phone interview cause I can't make it back on the weekdays. I'd rather a face to face interview to be honest, ugh
artificially Report | 03/06/2014 6:18 pm
      minimum wage here is around $10, so it's still a lot gonk
      But friggin interview, I'll probs totally fail. OTL They already ~kind~ of interviewed me when I attended the job fair.
      We all sat down individually with a rep and they asked us questions lol
artificially Report | 03/06/2014 6:10 pm
      I'm online now emotion_awesome

      ughhh so like, I got called today by the company I attended a job fair for last week, and the lady made it seem like I got the job only to be like OKAY SO LIKE LET'S SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW.
      emotion_facepalm Omg it'd be working Mon-Fri for the whole summer for eight hour shifts, but but but the pay is 15.50/hour creys
artificially Report | 02/03/2014 6:54 pm
      GURL THOSE PANCAKES MAN. Still waiting for world domination, one pancake at a time. :<

      Dude, if you find me a really sketchy four by four tiled room, I'm sure we can work something out with that dough emotion_awesome
      Of course, human rights services may have something to say about my living arrangements but I won't tell if you don't 8D
artificially Report | 02/03/2014 9:14 am
      Yes, and your crazy pancakey ways 8D How's the pancake hoard comin' along?
      Nice and deliciously, I hope? emotion_drool

      Yeah, and while you blow all dat cash on mah self-designed cardboard mansion, I'll just sit there wondering why you couldn't have just gotten me a proper house. emo ...

      IKR, VIOLET >>>>> SCHOOL, TOTES. I mean, if I get a zero on this, the worst that can happen is I get kicked out of uni man. cool No biggie.
artificially Report | 02/03/2014 8:39 am
      forever immortalized on my profile comments wall again LOOL
      And I can pull off a fab hobo, no probs. /hairflip wink

      omg I'm so busy this week but I'm on gaia
      WHAT IS THIS ; V; well it's nice cause I caught youuuu 8D
artificially Report | 02/03/2014 8:29 am
      & ah yes, my gambling needs shall soon be fulfilled in real life emotion_dowant LOLNONOTREALLY. I've yet to even buy a lottery ticket even though it's been a year since I was able to.

      But yeah, I mean gaia even sold a the halo for like 1000 bucks LOL Not sure if anyone actually bought it emotion_awesome
artificially Report | 02/03/2014 8:17 am
      YEAH I KNOW, THAT HAIR IS INSANELY POPULAR. LOL ;; I just found out that it's based on this anime, I think. LOOOOL KnK?
      And yeah, same ol' me cool Anyway, oooooh * u * I'm in uni now and living da res lyfe. /ded.

      OI HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT TOM? Actually was Tom the one facing the other direction???

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