About CaitieBabe
Heyyyyyyy it's Cat ^^right yeah yeah yeah 14
American and has a huge attitude problem when it comes to people that make you wanna do what they want you to do and not what you want
This girl tries to live her life to the way she wants to being a b***h and always trying to get things to work out for her and who she cares about so simply put; she doesn't give a s**t lol
But you know...we've gotta live like we're dying...stop thinking and take action smile we all need to say "i love you" more...that's a fact. we always forget to say that before it's too late =/ and yeah this song has officially taken over my mind lol but it's soo true smile life is too short..LIVE LAUGH LOVE
life is like a short story..the years go by and you start wondering why it's going so fast and we always are so ignorant always thinking we'll be here tommorow..but really...you never know..so everyday act like the next day..you'll be gone ^^ never forget what you have ^^ it's more than you think smile
lol (this is probably what your thinking; DAMN! that girl's deep!) lol
yeah well anyways have any questions 'bout Cat ask Cat..she'll answer them for you ^^ lol
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