Vercingetorix VII

Vercingetorix VII's avatar

Birthday: 01/04


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Omorose Panya Report | 06/26/2012 6:23 pm
Omorose Panya
Omorose Panya Report | 06/01/2012 11:58 am
Omorose Panya
Hi Vercy Poo. heart

Omorose Panya Report | 05/15/2012 11:15 am
Omorose Panya
Dealing with the marketplace can be frustrating because there are so many retards. One of my listings lost 20,000 g in value overnight because all these geniuses kept lowering the price by thousands at a time. >.>
Omorose Panya Report | 05/13/2012 7:59 am
Omorose Panya
What is your opinion of this topic? Specifically of my and BG's discussion?
Omorose Panya Report | 05/13/2012 7:03 am
Omorose Panya
Did you catch Michelle Obama and Romney's speeches yesterday (May 12)?
Omorose Panya Report | 05/03/2012 10:54 am
Omorose Panya
The taste isn't any different from what I can tell. xp
Omorose Panya Report | 05/02/2012 4:09 pm
Omorose Panya
You took the remainder of your finals today, right? Or is that next wednesday? And if you did take them today, how'd you do?

And y'know, I never really read pockybo's threads or his posts, but now that I am I can see why people think he's a dishonest, conspiracist loon. neutral
Omorose Panya Report | 05/02/2012 10:43 am
Omorose Panya
I didn't get to bed until 5. gonk
Omorose Panya Report | 05/01/2012 2:25 pm
Omorose Panya
And omg I earned a hug because of one of my posts!!!
Omorose Panya Report | 05/01/2012 2:24 pm
Omorose Panya
I believe that is it. biggrin The Herald of Death (then The Herald of War) and I were in an all out battle about something similar to that last year. The situation was something like a guy stole a shitton of money from a bank or something, which stripped the neighborhood's families of their money while allowing his own family to get rich. He's eventually exposed, and let's say he dies of old age and his children are now in control of the money. Does that money rightfully belong to them? Should they have to give back that which was stolen, or is it not on them because they did not steal it? Good times.

I want to see someone pose a logical argument against it that dos not interefere with the idea of peopple collectively paying for each other respects, which is where I see it breaking down. That doesn't mean that it being a good thing is a given. It's just that I don't come by really good arguments against it and I'd like to. As for my personal opinion, I think it'd be better in he long run to put money into fixing their neighborhoods and schools and such than just giving them money, because they'll likely be in a similar boat when the money runs out. But I'm more one to think about things as a whole instead of just one person's wants and needs in a social vacuum. Bah.

Is there usually a time range when you're on AIM before 12/1ish, or are we just outta luck thar? gonk



"The fish trap exists because of the fish; once you've gotten the fish, you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit; once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning; once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can have a word with him?"

- The Chuang Tzu


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