From Singer 2D =w=

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How I got 'ere...

Writings, blud!

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Wot's this, then?...

I'm finally gettin' a journal to type fings in! Not that there's much to type about here...

Y'need sumfink else?

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My best mate fer life <3

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Vegetable Stu Pot

Vegetable Stu Pot's avatar

Last Login: 05/24/2017 4:05 pm

Registered: 06/21/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/23/1991


Oi, before you send me a friend request, please at LEAST talk t' me a bit. Yeh, I like t' get t' know people before I ad 'em. For all I know, yew could be whales in disguise, hired by Muhdoc...or yew could me Muhdoc in disguise...>_>

From Crind, on BLUU RAYYY

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Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me...

View All Comments

Puff Batty Luv Report | 08/12/2013 9:04 pm
Puff Batty Luv
Haven't seen you in a while ~
It's Gorillaz Little Princess if you haven't seen me since the name change
^ ^"
How have you been?
Crazy Valentine Report | 08/12/2013 9:00 pm
Crazy Valentine
Yeah, it can be a killer.
Crazy Valentine Report | 08/12/2013 8:45 pm
Crazy Valentine
Good. Bored. Saw you on.
Crazy Valentine Report | 08/12/2013 8:42 pm
Crazy Valentine
Crazy Valentine Report | 12/21/2012 6:20 pm
Crazy Valentine
Have you got a pesterchum? it's a real thing.
Crazy Valentine Report | 12/21/2012 6:14 pm
Crazy Valentine
an noww iim not 2ure wwhat twwo thiink of you any more gam.
8Patty_Thompson8 Report | 12/21/2012 6:11 pm
Merry Christmas to you too! smile
8Patty_Thompson8 Report | 12/21/2012 6:07 pm
Yeah, and thanks for your understanding Stu. If ya wanna hang out, like in towns or something, just hit me up smile
Crazy Valentine Report | 12/21/2012 5:59 pm
Crazy Valentine
iif ii could tiip you 2tatu2 man ii would
8Patty_Thompson8 Report | 12/21/2012 5:54 pm
Thanks luv smile And cool! Yeah, I'm watching their Wanna Be 70s Show now, it's really funny

Last words...

[b:984cdda4f7]Dr Murdoc Niccals is my troll patrol mate[/align:984cdda4f7][/color:984cdda4f7][/b:984cdda4f7]
~Revolving doors, what have I done?~[/align:984cdda4f7][/color:984cdda4f7]


Fank yew, Charlie Jay-Jay! X3

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Eyein' me up... o_o

bullly on 02/20/2021
Dr Murdoc Niccals
HighClass Badass
Sweet Stocking
An Ironic Username
Captain Faust
Cyber Noodle
Big Man Russel

He's keepin' me...PRISONER....