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Vavelu Report | 06/25/2017 4:21 am
Heya everyone i've been gone for forever and will still be gone forever but from this comment onwards i'll be accepting bundles of items for art heart
petras zaigo Report | 02/13/2013 2:24 am
petras zaigo
what are you some kindof adorable deer thing
what is that on your back
i agree you are highly kawaii

-Kandy_Cube- Report | 01/10/2013 2:59 am

/rolls all over/

I has all the Feels

All of them >.> You Avi is Too purdy
-Kandy_Cube- Report | 12/17/2012 2:20 am
;U; <3
-Kandy_Cube- Report | 12/16/2012 3:43 am
Jawn I love your Profile biggrin

Prince Takun Report | 03/03/2010 8:21 pm
Prince Takun
When ever you don't want Takkun. Let me know. biggrin


Velu | 23 | In Love

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I'm basically a ghost don't mind me c:

If you come across my profile and see something on my wishlist hit me up if you're interested in getting art, i'm looking for very specific items and would love to have them offered heart

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Vavelu's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/05

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