Vathrel [heights don't faze me]

Vathrel's avatar

Last Login: 03/04/2008 6:12 pm

Registered: 11/11/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Bakersfield CA

Birthday: 02/16/1993

Occupation: An Anti-Distablishmentarianism base

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Well, at least i can wish


Well, Here's me I guess

Well...About me? There could be alot said, I'm an outgoing fun guy, my real name is Emmanuel, I'd prefer the name Xerxes, It's a greek name and it was supposed to be mine when i was born, but my dad was working at 5:06 in the morning when i saw the world for the first time, so my mom took a chance in naming me a name from the bible, Which was the one i have now, oh yes and I havn't seen or heard from my mom in several years, but i'm not letting it get me down =D... so onto the me.. I'm kind of am a weird person, my hobbies, interests, and emotions are what some people might think as chaotic, or evil, or plain out *jesus christ what are you??" speaking of which i do not believe in God,Satan, Heaven, Hell, Angels, Demons, or any of that religious bull...not to be offensive to anyone but its just how i am...i see things differently than other people do...Aaaannnyway...So yeah my life has been pretty good lately, I recently met up with my sister again, we havn't spent much time together, but now i plan to keep in touch with everything!! Starting Gaia is also giving me a chance to meet new people and try to get something else to do once in a while. And I've had my ups and downs, but i'm a very optimistic person. I don't look at the bad things, look at the brightside of life and you'll see it, even though we live fast to die slow, Always try to live life at its fullest!!!!

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All kinds of interests! Just give me time to think about them later

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slut-twinkie Report | 01/01/2008 12:39 pm
happy new year!

....last login november!!! =_=
aSlutburgerNamedSquishy Report | 12/01/2007 5:50 pm
hi loser!
slut-twinkie Report | 11/13/2007 4:06 pm
yay! i'm stalking you!
Immortal Legacy Report | 11/11/2007 5:58 am
Immortal Legacy

What I hope to live by

~Victory is not Earned to those who aren't Willing to pay it's Price~


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Being a newcomer... well... has it's benefits and sad faces

Why DID the chicken cross the road??....