about me.* :]

hello loves.
i'm kayla.
people call me kay.
i'm 17.
and a proud bisexual.
i'm not where nears perfect.
and couldnt live without my music.
it's a big part of my life.
i'm a loud, hyper active teen.
who just likes to get out and party.
dancing in deff. my thing.
i'm pretty easy to get along with.
unless you really piss me off.
then i can be the biggest b***h alive.
i drink more than i change my socks.
and smoke, not all too much.
i'm in the middle of learning to sk8board.
this winter i was the bomb at snowboarding.

but other than that.
i'm just me.
like it or leave it.
i'm not one to change.

want to know more?
come out and ask.
i'm not one to be shy.