>>The Girl<<
Hey there! My name is Ashley. I enjoy weird sports like extreme frizbee and Arctic Adventure. I'm really random and I have lots of friends. I hate your labels, we're not items. i hate your gossip, say it to their face.Drama is definatly not my cup of tea...I don't want my life turned into a tornado of eaxaggerated lies, alas, expect the unexpected from me!
i wouldn't try to judge or compare me to any of your friends becasue, I'm like no other. I'm in love with music, gauges, piercing, tattoos, and play the drums. I never watch tv unless I'm sick, or like dead. I am bi and have been since 6th grade, i am also very proud to say so. I love being different, and doing new things, no matter what it is. My favorite color is purple, it has been since 4th grade. I hate gummy candies and mint, but you'll usually find me chewing a peice of mint flavored gum. haha. I have an obsession of drawing weird doodles and coloring. I'm mean, yet loving at the same time I'm nice if you arn't annoying or a total b***h. haha and dont get on my bad side cuz, I'll pretty much beat your a**!
My friends are my life. They're amazingly retarded and always laughing at something. We have little red wagon moments in their neighborhood. humiliating eachother in public, annoying eachother's brothers and waking up the neighbors. We're the idiots of the neighborhood, the loud mouth adventurers of the hallways, and those annoying kids who leave broken tubboware in your mailboxes. Love us yet?
Total Value: 1,858,552 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Jingle Bell Earrings heart
Lunar Scythe heart
Angelic Gloves heart
Angelic Camisole heart
Oculus Mythica heart
Unicorn scream
Inari's Beads scream
Inari's Beads 10th Gen scream
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and thx
i havent been on in a while
you have no idea how much i miss you guys
my life is really suckish right now