Things About Myself

Generally, if I'm not interacting with someone I come off as quite boring, but I guess that is normal. I can be disgustingly verbose at times, so if I do that please bear with me. My mind tends to wander so I easily get off track... unless I'm keenly interested in the subject. By the way, these are my favourite colours.

Well, as you can see, I love colourful things, as well as dark things. I am a walking jumble of contradictions wraped in an enigma, sprinkled with mystery and confusion dust. I am a tad sarcastic, I've been described as having a biting wit, whatever that means, I think it means I'm a handful.

I have never been good with the whole "about me" thing, the act of baring myself so you can form an opinion of me has never really worked well for me. So, uhm, yes, if I had something humourous to say I'd have said it here, please pretend I have.

I am good at being awkward, very awkward. I apologize in advance.