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Where can he be found often?: Away from civilization. Normally in a hand-built cabin in the forests or icy terrains.

Name: Vadim Nikolai Olevsky

Species: Roman Mythology, Satyr (Major in Earth Elemental. But Minors in Air, water and fire.)

Ethnicity: Russian / Portuguese

Birth date: 11/30/1240

Age: Would be 775, but Satyr's age like dogs. So he would be 5, 425 of age. Physical appearance looks to be in his late forties.

Height: 10''2

Weight: 3, 768 LBS of bone and muscle

Body Type: Incredibly large. Nearly inhuman.

Eye Color: Dark-Gray Irises, with black pupils

Hair: Was once black, but age had made him fade to gray/white

Occupation: Carpenter. Blacksmith. Protector. Guardian.

Sexual Orientation: Does it matter?

Personality: Quiet. Ill-Tempered. Wise. Straight-Forward. Brute. Protective. Paranoid. Secretive. Passionate. Brave.

Physical Features: Square-shaped face. Strong jawline and cheekbones. Thick eyebrows. Black feathers pinned to the widow's peak of his hairline. Left arm is made completely out of an iridium alloy based metal automaton limb. Thick, muscular arms. Long, hyper-muscular legs. Broad chest with built pectorals and a ripped abdomen. His horns are exactly one foot, four inches long(uncurled) and measure to a solid five inches from the base of his horn. Indeed does have a tail, but he keeps it hidden.

Natural Abilities: Is one completely with the Planet Earth. Is able to manipulate any sources from the Earth and beyond itself. Favors using the tectonic plates to a heightened degree where he can actually cause upper-crust physical actions upon his beckon call.Can listen and understand nature(animals and plants) like every day speech. His hooves can feel vibrations through the earth over two miles away. Increased speed and Hyper-reflexes.
(which is slowed by his massive weight.)
Increased Depth perceptions(horizontal pupils). Raw-Strength like that of a thousand men. Increased Stamina and Smell. Has a third ventricle in his heart to help pump all the blood through is tall, wide frame. the Satyr's body and fur adapts to any sort of terrain. Has an inner beast of the mythical Satyr soul, which works as a pheromone release for any sex to enjoy. Since Mythology claims Satyr's were born to be raping jokesters to men and woman alike.

Fighting Style Preferred: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Nonrealistic Melee.

Unique Fighting Ability(berserk): Can enter in a "berserk" mode, where the Satyr is left a blind-from-rage, unstoppable machine once he passed his anger limitation. The very stomping of his hooves during this berserk period is enough to cause mild quakes throughout the radius of his position. If while in berserk mode, the automaton arm is the most deadliest weapon he has unless you are cornered under his hoof. When up against a weaponry-based opponent, Vadim wears protective heavy armor made of an ebony ore, iridium composite.

Earth Bending: Can manipulate the earth's very crust at will. Can even dive deeper into the mantle and core of the Earth itself to beckon Tectonic Plates deep below to cause Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, Mountainous spikes and even slow progressing physical shifting of the crust.

Only sheathes his sword in his left hand. But can easily fight with the right. The power in his automaton arm corresponds to power found in his blade. Which can absorb any sort of magical, fundamental or physical object that comes into contact with him. Making magic-holy-demonic-elemental based actions or attacks useless.

Unique Facts: Thick Russian accent. Cannot swim, only sinks from weight. Can get irritated very easily. Is very compulsive when it comes to his facial hair, making sure it is trimmed even every morning. Carries around a large, leather bag around his neck where he holds his materialistic belongings. Enjoys painting and sketching. Enjoys the occasional bonfire under the stars. Would rather be alone than in a room full of people. Can play any wind instrument.

Biography: Vadim had been created from the form of Pan, dated back to the year of 1240. Pan had seen the creation of this male and did not approve of his physical appearance. For Vadim was black furred compared to the normal brown color. The Greek God Pan had banished Vadim to Earth for the account of him being unnatural and disgusting in his eyes. Pan's minions had left Vadim on the terrain of present day Romania, in the capital of Kiev.

Found by Olga of Kiev, mother of Svyatoslav, Olga had taken in Vadim, like she had with Svyatoslav's sons left in Kiev. She kept Vadim and named him like she was his own mother, even during the Siege of Kiev, dated back to the 13th century, Olga managed to keep Vadim safe and had even planned to train Vadim like one of the Russian warriors keeping their capital safe. Seeing as his formity like an animal would have been a great asset to the army.

Only two years had passed, and Vadim had grown to be a strong, young man. Only being the age of 2, but had grown to be the size of a 14 year old boy. Vadim's mother, Olga, had been shocked to see how fast the boy had grown, but it was the Novgorod Republic that had seen Vadim as a strong hand in war. Going to Olga's home in Rus', The Novgorodians soldiers had taken Vadim into battle without a choice. The battle between the Teutonic Knights and the Novgorodians, in the war we know today as "The Battle of Ice".

Being only the age of 14, Vadim joined into the battle with only his hands, proving that even in his young age, he would grow to be an even stronger companion in the Russian solider line. For while the Teutonic Knights had their revolution against the Novgorodians, Vadim had taken out half the soldiers on the Lake of Peipus with just his brute strength as a young teenager.

The fight on this frozen lake had taken many hours of hand to hand combat and constant struggling to keep their balance on the slick ice. On the opposing side, their King had declared the archers to finish off the battle and it left Vadim's militia running for land off the frozen lake, away from the storm of iron arrows killing off his troops one by one.

When the knights attempted to rally at the far side of the lake, the thin ice began to give way under the weight of their heavy armour, and many knights drowned that day under the Peipus Lake. One of them being the young Satyr, Vadim. The crusaders' defeat in the battle marked the end of their campaigns against the Orthodox Novgorod Republic and other Russian territories for the next century.

Biography Continued:

In the year of 1380, Vadim had been found by Russian principalties under the united command of Prince Dimitri of Moscow. Being frozen in ice for 138 years, Vadim still had the appearance of a boy but was aged substantially throughout his frozen years. In disbelief, the Prince of Moscow had taken a strong interest in Vadim, upon his simple half-God appearance, but also the talk of the once Battle of Ice that his ancestors had once died to fight for.

Dimitri of Moscow had put Vadim on the force, even at his young of an age, and had him stand in the front of the line during the Battle of Kulikovo. This took place on September 8th, in the same year on Kilikovo Field near the Don River, which is now stated as Tula Oblast. On the morning of September 8, thick fog covered the Kulikovo field. It cleared around 11 a.m., at which point both armies began advancing on each other. The battle opened by a single combat of two champions.

The Russian champion had been said to been Alexander Peresvet, a monk from the Trinity Abbey; but, by order from Dimitri of Moscow, Vadim had been ordered to switch armory with Alexander and go into the champion battle between the Horde champion Temir-Murza. Vadim denied the order from Dimitri, since Vadim felt it was wrong to fool the Mamai Golden Horde--and also the fact that Vadim had to use weapons to kill the Horde Champion.

Dimitri, in the fit of his rage after being denied from Vadim, stabbed Alexander Peresvet leaving Vadim no choice. It was either he go into a combat with Temir-Murza, or he would have killed Vadim where he stood. Putting his honour aside, Vadim had taken the bloody armour off of Peresvet and put it on himself, giving the easiest appearance to fool the Horde.

Vadim was left standing on his horse, while Peresvet had fallen. Breaking out the full-blown battle between the nations. Vadim left the horse and got onto two feet once more, tossing his weapons aside and began to fight for his right to live. Having no reason to fight for his own nation since he found Dimitri to be a weak-minded, jester and a fool.

Vadim had been in mid-combat with multiple men when he had seen the flag, that was being held by Dimitri in the back of the soldiers, being gunned down by the Taters. Believing the Horde had killed off Dimitri, they preceeded to remove the armour in the midst of battle and was fooled to see that Dimitri of Moscow had actually switched armour with a Boyarin, Mikhail Brenok, who now lay dead in his place.

The battle lasted for three hours, Dimitri had lived but had collapsed from exhaustion and was bleeding out from a simple stab wound from a Horde Soldier. Dimitri's militia had began to take orders from Vladmir, cousin of Dimitri, and Prince Bobrok--Dimitri's brother-in-law. The battle was lead into victory when Bobrok launched a surprise counterstrike, fooling the Mamai Horde once more and had taken control of the Horde under the command of Tokhtamysh. The one whom created the Golden Horde.

Dimitri did not manage to become independent from Golden Horde. In 1382, Tokhtamysh launched another campaign, captured and burnt down Moscow, and forced Dimitri to accept him as sovereign. However, victory at Kulikovo was an early sign that Mongol rule was declining, and Moscow was rising as the unifying power among Russian principalities.

In the year of 1480, the Golden Horde officially ended with Dimitri's death and the throne fell to his son, Vasili. Vadim throughout the years had been the front-line-man in many battles, thanks to the admiring Vasili. Dimitri's son had watched Vadim battle throughout the Battle of Kulikovo and grew fascinated with his top soldier and with his son, Vasili II, Vasili had shown his very own grand fascination to his newly founded son. Little do the both of them know, that Vadim had killed their very king Dimitri. Disliking the way he ruled things and covered up the death.

Vadim had stayed with the royal family through many years of battles: Battle of Suzdal, Battle of Shelon, Russo-Crimean Wars, Siege of Kazan, Battle of Ergeme. Even up to the year of 1709, during the Battle of Poltava. Nowadays, Vadim keeps to himself. After managing to escape the immortal clutches of Monarchy, seeing that the constant death toll and rising threats, Vadim left without a trace. Tired of the controlling, obstrusive ways the Russian royalties ruled things.

For now, Vadim had kept to the woods or in secrecy of hiding, even after these many of years. He does not have a place to call home, nor does he stay in one place for far too long. Even after those long years of battle and war, Vadim's mind is tormented of death and uprising. Always believing that the Russian Monarchy will find him and bring him to his doom.

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Vadim's Armour Set: Olevsky's full armour set is gathered head to hoof. The entire metal base of the armour set is the same as his automaton arm. It is an iridium based armor suit, melted with ebony ore to give it a dark, lustrous gleam.

The entire structure of the armory is heavier than his normal weight of 1, 850 pounds. Added with the armor, he literally triples his weight to a solid five thousand pounds. Most of the weight in the armor consists in the helmet and the chest plate.

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The Helmet: The helmet, like the rest of the armor, is iridium based as well. It is built for aerodynamic travel, making it easy to drift through wind currents or high speeds with ease. It has a easy, slip-on feature for his horns to be comfortably tucked. Built inside of the helmet is a mini-intellectual, monitoring, tracking system. Like an artificial brain. It can be used as a target tracker, an info provider and also a way out of a sticky situation. It has a completely tinted visor that covers just his eyes, leaving the rest of him guarded. The visor can indeed be lifted to view his eyes, but nothing can be seen of his face when the visor is shut.

Pauldrons: The Pauldrons on his shoulders have no real special power consisting in them. They are just made with the same metal alloy as the rest of the armor.

Gauntlet: Same metal as the rest of the armor, of course. Only needing one gauntlet on his right arm, since his left arm is a full, automaton. At the ends of the fingers are elongated claws that are sharped to points, that could gash through about anything he pleases. There is only one downside to his gauntlet. Leaving just the area of his bicep open, causing this section to put a real damper on his armor if he were to be attacked there. Using his other arm as a shield to protect anyone who tried harnessing this weak spot themselves.

Chest Plate: Iridium based metal chest plate that can withstand any sort of blow: whether it be a bullet, a long-sword or even a full-magic blow. There's absolutely no openings in this armor that could reveal a weak spot.

Torso: Same element as the armor, but bares a strange symbol. With a full moon in the center and two crescent moons on each side. It gleams with a diamond-sparkle, even though it is just a hollow placement in the armor and is not filled with any sort of element, only a magical spell given to him by a notorious Witch Doktor. (Continued below.)

Waist: Nothing fancy for this section of this iridium based armor, only that it has a long, silk loincloth that stretches almost three yards long off its belt. He indeed does have armor that covers his indecency, so this loincloth is not used as "covering" for his "masculinity".

Legs: Covered from thigh to ankle with the same iridium based metal. Around his knees, are gathered black feathers from a certain battle he had with a crow humanoid creature. The same feathers as the two perched at his widow's peak. Leaving no opening for his joints of his leg, thanks to the certain metal-based hinges on the back of his knees and at his pelvic region that allow easy movement without stall in the heavy armor. The armor stops just above his ankles, leaving only his thick hooves open without armor.

Enchantments: (Continued from above) Besides the built in computer within his helmet, there was also an enchantment cast onto his armor. The enchantment is an unusual spell that can only be used in the midst of defensive danger. The very armor itself seeps out an invisible, untraceable, unscented visage gas that can corrupt any being that needs to breathe.

When it is inhaled, the gas begins its travel through your bloodstream and ends up in your nervous system. It begins to secrete spinal fluid from your back, causing you to hallucinate nightmares. Since it effects your central nervous system, these nightmares can hurt, touch, be felt and can also manipulate at its own will, based off of your darkest fears.

Vadim can also manipulate his very actions or physical appearance at will, if chose to. The nightmare spell can also be manipulated into releasing small amounts, to large accounts of gas to mile radiuses around his place. But once the danger is gone and the defensive action is finished, the spell diminishes as if nothing ever happened.

The spell was transferred in the very hollow section of his torso where the moon-shaped embedded area lies. It glistens and sparkles on its own without anything to illuminate it. Even though it lay embedded in his armor, if touched, it cannot be felt or removed without the proper dispel usage.

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Weaponry:Carrying a large sword that stretches to five yards long and 7 inches wide from the base that shortens when followed to the tip, ending at a solid three inch width. Not counting the sharpened point on the sword. It is made just as his armor set and his automaton arm. Iridium based throughout the entire blade, then capped with an ebony base center with encrusted diamonds along the ebony shade for decoration. With his sword, along with his iridium, automaton arm, his horns and his hooves. Vadim believes only to use his weapon when the time proceeds it.