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Vadel_Jumi-of-Topaz's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/23


Hello to all my Gaian friends out there! I am sad to say that I no longer go on this site. Once in a blue moon I might. However, if you would still like to get in contact with me, then please copy the provided URL, open a new tab, and paste the URL in the search bar. (When you`re there, search for the box titled "Links")


I am nearly ALWAYS on DeviantArt, so feel free to contact me there. If you try to add me as a friend on Facebook, I will most likely deny the request unless you are somehow able to give your Gaia username so that I know who you are.

Feel free to browse through my pictures and posts on my Google+ account! Just as a heads-up, most of them are Slash related. Yes, I have moved on from Yaoi to Slash now. I know I promised myself that I wouldn't get into the real life stuff before I ever knew of Slash`s existence, but that was before my best friend, nekotan23 on DeviantArt (is also Ritsu-chan23 on Gaia), eventually convinced me to watch Doctor Who. I wish I have never doubted her! TT^TT And don't worry, I still support Yaoi, I just find it a bit milder now that I`m a Slash fan. ^^

Also, it`s quite obvious, but you`re going to need accounts for these websites to actually get in contact with me.

I apologize for my inconvenience. I do plan on continuing Gaia one day. For now, I have tons of projects I need to complete on DeviantArt.

Hope to hear from you guys again soon! O u O


View All Comments

Get Off My Turf Report | 04/25/2012 10:53 am
Get Off My Turf
Thanks. You look nice as well. ^^
Azmahata Aknum Report | 05/11/2011 11:21 am
Azmahata Aknum
I loved your profile ^-^ it's really nice!
2p Lovino Report | 05/04/2011 5:24 pm
2p Lovino
Guess who!
False Aisis Report | 01/01/2011 2:43 pm
False Aisis
hey how ya doing?
Ashley7145 Report | 07/27/2010 10:26 pm
luv ur pro it is awesome
False Aisis Report | 07/26/2010 3:47 pm
False Aisis
luv ur profile heart

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