
Oh, you don't know whose page you've just stumbled upon, well let me break it down right quick.... *poof* You are on the page of ability, V-style(most importantly0 and last but not least Nuckin Futs... Now some people might not know what V-Style or what nuckin futs is... so take a seat lady or gentleman and let me fill you in on a tale.... It was June 17, 1987 the planets were aligned, it was peaceful day, and god, because he knew today was the the day that the savior of humainty(me), would be boren and save the world from natural dissater. For 19 long years I have gone through rigorous training, the most extreme mental upbringing, and most importantly spreading the word of V-Style and Nuckin Futs. Let Me Explain In Case you don't know.
V-Style= it is doing something in your own style, and in case you need to flaunt it around put your first initail into it and a dash.
Nuckin Futs- the most extreme of any situation.(armmageddon,deep rising, war of the worlds,and die hard) of course these are just colorful illustarions of what Nuckin Futs is so you can get a clear grip of the word. So that is my story so far... I am a champion, of earth a legend if you will, and I have been sent to make sure no evil bounds this planet.

V-Style YES

V-Style YES's avatar

Last Login: 05/24/2007 7:19 pm

Registered: 08/16/2006

Gender: Male


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ella007 Report | 06/20/2007 4:06 am
Are you active more than once a week User Image

User Image if yes then you are more than welcome to join


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Count Dracus Report | 05/03/2007 1:38 pm
Count Dracus
Hey V-man, famous phras.
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TheGreatWhiteBear Report | 04/23/2007 5:36 pm
Check out the main section of my profile where we are all talking
TheGreatWhiteBear Report | 04/19/2007 4:29 am
Hows it going Victor
ella007 Report | 01/01/2007 10:27 am
happy new year :cure:
Rystic Report | 12/20/2006 3:27 pm
Your pancake HAVE to be gone now...
wolfhunterDrake Report | 12/15/2006 10:02 am
Hallo how u doing
Gunmetal Alchemist Report | 12/14/2006 8:29 pm
Gunmetal Alchemist
Go to the art section of the group and start voting!
Gunmetal Alchemist Report | 12/13/2006 10:43 pm
Gunmetal Alchemist
Then the good times will roll on ^^
Gunmetal Alchemist Report | 12/12/2006 10:04 pm
Gunmetal Alchemist
Everyone will be on vacation! YAY!
