
[V]irus's avatar

Last Login: 04/15/2010 2:53 am

Registered: 12/13/2005

Gender: Female


I wish...


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Kindly Unspoken

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Croix Coldheart Report | 06/01/2010 10:44 am
I couldn't forget you if I tried, sweetheart.

Daddy's just been gone for some time...
dracus the almighty Report | 02/15/2008 2:03 pm
add me
Rocko_Roller Report | 02/11/2008 10:10 pm
Some time, when you have time, could you draw my Avi so I can put it on my profile? I will give you money.
Rocko_Roller Report | 02/11/2008 9:50 pm
Your Avi is very cute. What are you wearing around your neck or whatever is on your chest area (it looks like a star)?
Semiconscious Report | 01/31/2008 10:40 am
heyz cool name and i'm not a nice person just helpful lmao
ComradeSloth Report | 01/24/2008 12:28 pm
thank you for your purchase User Image
Raayven darkwing Report | 09/04/2007 10:45 pm
Am I ment to take the enitative everytime? I mean, you haven't talked to me really. I've made attemps to establish freindship with you, yet for some reason I have the feeling their not really getting through to you. I checked my account, but I seemed to just lay under your forgotten people section, right? I may have swiched accounts, but I always checked my mule for something. I'm wondering though, do you still mis-trust me? Do you still think I hired that assassin on you so long ago? I'm not saying any of this out of rudeness, just wanted to let you know that it was I who seeked you out, and asked if you still wanted to be my freind again.
Raxyl Report | 08/04/2007 9:16 am
@ Raayven: You dun deserve to be on my profile!! D< *hiss*

At least not yet... o-o;; We barely ever speak and whatnot...
Raayven darkwing Report | 08/01/2007 6:22 pm
I wanna be on your profile!
Unspoken_X Report | 08/01/2007 12:13 am
Comment here.

I like your signature. the school girl is hot. ^^
Croix Coldheart
-Liquid Irony-

[V]irus says:
Jumpstart 3rd Grade is hard...!! T_____T
[V]irus says:
DT says (5:08 PM):
DT says (5:08 PM):
annie your retarded. 8D *pets*

Oh noes!
Virus wants a Rose Corsage??
How Gross! D<

I wonder if you still
remember me. All it'd
take would be a smile or
hello and I'm yours again.

Since I met him all
those years ago, I knew.
He is more important to
me than anyone else.
^^ Right now, he's
my only Little Brother.