Unspeakable Yellow King

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Heh heh... now how did you get here...?

Ah, well... I am the Unspeakable One, the King in Yellow. My name is Hastur. You may have heard of me... I'm the subject of a play entitled "The King in Yellow." Of course, not many people have read the entire thing and kept their sanity intact.... in fact, I should say that none have.

Yes, it's been quite a while since I appeared in Yhtill (now Carcosa, of course) from the mirage city across the lake, driving the majority of the population insane with my mere presence and destroying the royal family. Ruling an entire alien city is fun for a while, but then... And the Dreamlands aren't much fun either; my avatar there is cooped up inside a monastery that almost nobody dares to visit anymore. No, not since that Randolph Carter man...

Well, in any event, here we are. What now? Hmmm. You could join my cult, of course; the Great Old Ones always have cults. Or, if I'm not your kind of guy, you could always pay a visit to my
dear half-brother Cthulhu... he's always happy to have visitors. Admittedly, he eats more that a few of them, but such is life... always full of nasty surprises, eh?

If you feel like sending me a message or leaving me a comment, feel free... being an alien god gets lonely.

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Heh heh heh...