
UnholyPriest6's avatar

Last Login: 12/05/2011 4:15 pm

Registered: 10/15/2005

Gender: Male

Location: In the trash... (courtesy of Lin-san!)

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I updated! YAY!

Real Name: Rudy C.
Age: 23, my time goes by so fast... ><;;;;
Occupation: Food Industry
Location: California (around the Los Angeles area)

Hallo! I have no idea why you would be looking at my profile, but I'll tell you what I like. My favorite anime is Slayers (Xelloss rules), and I like eating cheese. But now I hate the smell of cheese thanks to the bakery I'm working at.

Kupocake is my niece/second cousin ninja . What, don't believe me? Ask her (she'll probably deny it though. Or not. I haven't seen her for 5 months)

Interests you're asking for? Let's see...
Anime, Manga, Video Games, storytelling, and Lin-san heart

I'm kidding Lin... or am I? rofl

Oh yeah if anybody asks why I haven't been around much, it's because I couldn't afford internet in my apartment until last month. It's great to be surfing the web again! ^^;

Ja ne~!


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Journal of a Mysterious Priest

I'm dirt poor. D:


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Sera64 Report | 10/24/2010 12:39 pm
Thank you for buying from me!
xWelcome to Wonderlandx Report | 06/21/2009 8:10 pm
dude. interwebs dramu.
I liek it

btw. Your words belong are "Del Jamaica"
Nariko_Shina Report | 01/12/2009 10:04 pm

Namagomi has very sensitive skin. ;3

*Twitch* Good night. [And you better be on! User Image]
Nariko_Shina Report | 01/12/2009 10:00 pm
>3> Not for you, Namagomi.

...HWAEG)*Q^Y#)TH)*E^& wink YHE)*^!!1!!1!! Since when did you start calling me Linny-kins? Who gave you the right to use that nickname?! @.@
Nariko_Shina Report | 01/12/2009 9:54 pm
Beauty? What beauty? >.>

The last time we spoke. :3 That name is going to follow you forever and ever! User Image

Well...I didn't really get to go and see anything. It was all family. >.>

These two kids (ages 7 and 9) kept on clinging onto me, though.
Nariko_Shina Report | 01/12/2009 9:41 pm
...THEN DOWNLOAD AIM AGAIN!!!! I missed calling you Namagomi. ;.;

I came back from the Philippines. >3> It was a terrible trip if I do say so myself.
Nariko_Shina Report | 01/12/2009 9:27 pm
:< You have a messenger so we can talk again?
Kaytseki Report | 01/12/2009 8:52 pm
sure, in fact, please do~ You can go chat with Shi again ;D
Kaytseki Report | 01/12/2009 8:48 pm
I was bored. You never go on to amuse me these days. mebbe we need to find you a new rp
Kaytseki Report | 01/12/2009 8:13 pm

hime-same is not amused. why?!




That's a secret!