Name: Ty (nickname, lol)
Age: 21
Sex: Male (Hopefully obvious)
Ethnicity: Black and White
Location: USA, VA
Likes: - Art
- Horror Movies
- Being with friends
- Video Games (I have a Xbox 360)
- Music (I listen to mostly rap and hip-hop)
- Larping
- Acting
- Manga & Anime
- Magic the Gathering
- Gaia
Dislikes: uh not sure off the top of my head. sweatdrop
Yo, how's it going? The Username is Uncontrollable Laughter and I'd like to welcome you to my Profile Page! Despite my profile information I've been on and off Gaia since 2005, which means I've seen the site change quite a lot! I once enjoyed being a part of the RP forums, but I always give up on them. Now a days most people will find me in the Chatterbox forum or maybe playing a game. I'm a pretty diverse person and a little random, so I could be taking part in any of Gaia's fun activities. When it comes to friend requests I'll accept anyone, but I only keep people I actively talk or chill with around. Uh kind of not sure what else to say about myself, shoot me a message if ya have a question and I guess I'll see everyone around Gaia!
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The Twisted Mind of a Laugh-a-hollic.
Wacky Shananigans, My thoughts, and anything else I have to say.
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I'm just sitting here finding random stuff to do. xD
I just love your username. it has that awesome taste to it. emotion_kirakira