
Hey,i am Amanda,and i am 14.i luv my awesomeness boyfriend.................Elijah.yea,he should feel specail now!!!!i wil never want to loose him!!!!!!!i can't live wit out him!!!!!!well,he is luved!!!well,i like to skateboard,i like to listen to music[another thing i can't live wit out!!!!!],well,i enjoy hangin out wit my friends,i also talk on the phone a lot!!!!!well,when ever someone wants to hang out wit me,[well,i have to no u]just call me and make some plans!!!well,i am really bored right now,so someone call me and make some plans right now!!!!!


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Report | 06/01/2006 10:49 am


i am really bored!!!!!people need to comment me!!!!!!well,i really don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!so,how is everyone???i am all good.well,i am doin nothin right now!!!!!