
tylerr95's avatar

Registered: 07/14/2007

Gender: Male


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amielle_amy Report | 06/18/2010 12:33 am
well hey thank you for wishing mee happy b day.
sorry it toke mee so long to reply bak.
butt yea thank you smile
Healmm Report | 07/22/2009 7:38 pm
kiba 46 v2 Report | 07/17/2009 10:50 pm
kiba 46 v2
'couse they're stupid D<
kiba 46 v2 Report | 07/14/2009 12:59 pm
kiba 46 v2
mine was too...
TaenyWoods27 Report | 07/14/2009 9:12 am
thanks for buring ^^
kiba 46 v2 Report | 07/12/2009 5:46 pm
kiba 46 v2
nothing, read the journal entry that says "how i got banned" i dont feel like expliaing it.....for the hundreth time
kiba 46 v2 Report | 07/09/2009 4:19 pm
kiba 46 v2
kiba 46 v2 Report | 07/07/2009 2:14 pm
kiba 46 v2
until 2014
tylerr95 Report | 07/01/2009 3:12 am
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo board if only i had a manapult
Wikked Willow Report | 06/28/2009 10:55 am
Wikked Willow
thanks for the gold!


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poeple who visit my profile cause they don't have a life



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since im stranded in a house far from civilization (my friends) (i don't think thats spelled right)(THE WAY I WOULD PRONUNCE THAT IS fryyyynd)(paranthises are a cool way to correct things)(i don't think that spelled right either) (i know some of you are thinking ohh tyler you dont have any fryynds. yeah well !@#$ off.) im going to tell all about whats on my mind like the other night i had a dream ok i was at school it was weird i was talking to my friend (flash back)(not really thats just a good way to start a flashback) i was at school and i was talkin to a friend (i don't k know who) and the oracle from halo was there. so our city was being attacked by zombies ( that what they called them in my dream but they looked an ofly lot like the flood from halo)???? any way our school was still open (typical district) i was talking to my fryynd and the oracle was following us and telling us about a more efiecient way to turn us into zombies without all the pain so he showed us a hologram of a zombie bitting some ones neck and drain all the blood instintly out. so the dream jumped to a part on the stairway were someone opened a door and two bodies and a hole bunch of blood poored out of the room
so the dreamed jumped to the end and there was like a hole thing that happend and all the zomies were in a trash can so this kid was talking to a teacher and a zombie escaped and bit the kid so the zombie turned the kid into a zomie so the teacher just pushed on the kids head and turned him into a button she said well throw all them out later and that was the end.

which brings me to my point if we burn the bodies of all the dead then this kind of !@#$ would not happen oracles would not be in our schools and zombies would not attack us.
(all my other dreams are about porn)

lately i've been thinking what is the meaning of life i think i came to a conclusion but i think its just a reason that i came up with so i dont go insane
( your not allowed to know my meaning of life)

any way i like to play video games any thing with strategy or shooting or adventure or tactics such as Halo, Star wars battle front 2 & 1, kingdom under fire, call of duty, mario and grand theft auto

thing i like to do in off time ( all the time) play video games, nothing, listening to music, nothing, go on gaia, ride on four wheeler, swim, build insane s!@#
like the manapult i build, sleep other things i like to do in my off time GIRLS

the type of music i like to listen to is rock all types

thats about all for now

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good bye 8th bring it on 9th


(don't make me mad)