TwizziePop's avatar

Birthday: 11/23



Back after a year and a half hiatus.

Mom of two kiddos. ♡
Girlfriend to amazing man. ♡

I'm hanging on


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Kage Hikoshi Report | 03/25/2019 12:49 pm
Kage Hikoshi
Heeeeeeeeeeeey~! How are you! I haven't heard from you in a hot minute. Hope everything is well. heart
Kage Hikoshi Report | 09/15/2018 8:53 pm
Kage Hikoshi
Hey! How have you been? Check yer phone >/
Kage Hikoshi Report | 03/01/2018 9:38 am
Kage Hikoshi
I was just about to ask if you were done using the borrowed items, but I saw you got on.

Text me, tell me how you have been!
Kage Hikoshi Report | 11/14/2017 11:13 am
Kage Hikoshi
Remember Jazzy- LONG ago they had physical items that were gaia related (I had a gwee plush, and I still have my angel and demon hair clips ). So it isn't too left field for them to have a physical shop again.

Also also, they may be all about the CS but they are re-releasing and putting them at lower prices causing the items to tank and become affordable to non GC users in the long run. Lanzer can only do so much, they are a still a business and they still have to pay their staff somehow.
CatMamaJazz Report | 11/13/2017 7:17 pm
TBH not much has changed, Lanzer came back but it's still all about the Cash Shop and now about Mix10, a Wish-like site that sells stuff and that Gaia has a promotion contract with or something!
CatMamaJazz Report | 11/02/2017 11:10 am
I had a feeling you’d come back ❤️