Twinkle Thistle

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Birthday: 10/17


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My username is now m a d hatter melly, but my name is Melody, and lets face it, I'm crazy. I tend to get carried away with sudden random bursts of energy that are poorly timed (why do they come during lunch when I needed them in Advanced Algebra?) and my obsessions that I tend to cling to for dear life.

I am a role-player of varying skill. It depends on how much you give me to reply to, really. I'll role-play anything that happens to interest me at the moment, and my obsessions at the moment are Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Pandora Hearts, and anything that has to do with Alice in Wonderland.

I've been a fan of CLAMP for...nearly as long as I could remember and before I even knew it (how I loved Cardcaptor Sakura). Currently I'm reading X, Tsubasa ( <3 ), and xxxHolic.

Currently plowing through the beginning of my junior year in high school. Isn't that fun? AP classes are hard, but chemistry is harder. At least I have lab partners I like this year (going out to you, Susy~!)

Song of the Moment; With You -Bond- by the Higurashi cast

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Images from CLAMP


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Midnight Solitude Report | 10/02/2009 7:49 pm
Midnight Solitude
Oh crap! I didn't notice you already changed your mule into a Break cosplay! ^.^;;

Ahaha, that's so funny unlike him. XD
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:55 pm
Midnight Solitude

What?! *dies*
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:51 pm
Midnight Solitude
Ahaha, you make things sound so suspicious at times! X3

Onii-chan? *faints*
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:43 pm
Midnight Solitude
Heh, yup! X3

Mel...What were you doing? *stares*

I'm okay with Marvin as you already know but Jose? Yeah, it'd take me longer to say "Eww! IT SQUARED!" then smacking the crap out of him with my text books. XD
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:29 pm
Midnight Solitude
Ahaha, figures. Good ol' Melly. XD

....Mel, what were you doing? *tilts head* I'm very curious.

And no! That isn't going to do much good! She'll probably give me a witty comeback and make me feel like an even bigger idiot if that's even possible. >.<

And now this....Hurry up on posting that thread! I want to see it! Stop fearing it! You're very good! ^^
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:22 pm
Midnight Solitude
And let's not forget Break. XD

I bet you were watching me from wherever you were laughing your arse off. And me, just running around looking like a aimless bull. ^^;;

No! Esti thinks I'm her dog! Me having spots is not good! Who knows, she'll probably start calling me spot! See, she even wants me to be brought iin for whenever our spanish class has that small pet day (if we even go through with it) She said that she's getting me a pink collar! No! Mel! Help me! >.<;;
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:12 pm
Midnight Solitude
Eh, you being crazy is just part of the whole package. Besides, a "normal" you would be.....boring and not special. You being you is just fun, though it does make me facedesk sometimes.

Damn it! You chameleon! I didn't see you anywhere and what really sucked was that a lot of people were wearing red and I was moody. Jeez, now I know how Myrian feels. XD

Yes! And it's just so hard to come off! Oh no! I'm going to be the latin dalmation! >.<;;;
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 5:05 pm
Midnight Solitude
Because you're just too cute! X3 *hugs*

I know! I drove myself crazy looking for you! Oh, and by the way, about the copic pen ink. It apparently soaked through my shirt and now I'm having a hard time taking it off of....well, my chest. >.<;;; This is so embarrasing!
Midnight Solitude Report | 09/25/2009 4:56 pm
Midnight Solitude
*pat pat* Awww, how cute. Ahaha, my little "Mad Hatter" deserves a bear hug! XD

Just feel lucky that I didn't find you afterschool today Mel or else you would've met this same fate. X3


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