
The Narcissistic Beauty.

['{'S/H/O/W'} me all. Don't you hide. Tell me all your secrets. It's alright. Don't be shy. We're all a little {'T/W/I/S/T/E/D.'}']


(Tell Me Who You Are When You Add Me!)

Name: Lilyana Ilieva "Lily Leeney Vanity Lollipop Winter" Daskalova.
Age: Changed every year.
Gender: Female.
Status: Involved. Deeply in love with him.
Zodiac: Gemini.
Orientation: Straight.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Song: First Love by Utada Hikaru.
Movie: Blood and Chocolate.
Drink: Diet Root Beer.
Color: Depends.

Special People.

The People That Have Made Their Way Into My Heart.

Claudeena Deeney Isabelle.

"As far as I know, Deeney and I met around the date of June 16, 2007. We have known each other since then. And since then, I've grown to love this girl so much. She's sweet, adorable, and so perfect. She's my sister, and I love her to death! Knowing her, for as long as I've known her, I've learned a lot of things about her, and one of those things is that when she's mad, she needs a friend to calm her down. And you know what? I'm willing to be that friend to her. Because frankly, Deeney is not only my sister, she's my best friend in the entire universe. She is more important to me then even my own Birth Country, Bulgaria. She is a great person, and I love her so much. Nonetheless, you hurt her, I break you. You break her, I kill you. You break her heart, I bury you alive. Get it? Got it? Good. Now then, Claudeena, whom by the way hates to be called that, but I think I may get away with calling her that sometimes, is a very unique and original person. She Photoshops her own Images and is very good at it. Well for now that is all that I'm going to say about this amazing girl, whom stole my heart, and gave it a nice cozy home in her own heart to keep it as proof that I'm her sister, and most importantly, her best friend."


My Alternate Existence.

Lilyana Ilieva "Lily Leeney Vanity Lollipop Winter Daskalova.


Known Facts About Me
"I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be."
"Je ne suis pas parfait, ni voudrez je toujours pret."

The name's Lilyana.
I have one sister.
Her name is Gergana.
I love her to death so don't mess with her.
Yes, I'm not from America, and yes I am European.
I am fairly temperamental and silent.
But get me on a night out with my friends, and you'll never be able to shut me up.
My age is seventeen, but obviously it changes every year.
I think my sister is pretty.
She's younger then me.
She's eleven but obviously that changes too.
I live with my sister, mom and dad.
I find my sister prettier than me, but then again, I find everyone prettier then me.
I'm very self-conscious and far from perfect.
Trust is an issue with me.
So is the subject "friends" because honestly the only true friends I feel that I have are Jasmine, Morgan, Claudeen, and a few others that I won't name.
Trying to be beautiful is completely pointless, I never will be.

Born in May twenty-third, nineteen-ninety-one, on a cold and rainy night near Winter-time, this girl, Leeney as she is often called, seems to favour the season Winter more than any other seasons. She is at her best near Winter time, and all throughout Winter, always seeming to be chipper, happy, and cheerful. No, she does not ever mean the smiles seen on her face, but she doesn't need to since there's no point in giving a real smile when there have already been given a thousand fake ones.

No, she does not seem to like her life, and possibly never will, but she deals with it. She was not born in America, but she did move to America in the two-thousand's when she was about ten-eleven years old. She is seventeen right now, and obviously that changes every year. Anyhow, Leeney has a few best friends, that she lives for, a wonderful family she loves, and a dearest blood sister, named Gergana, but also known as GiGi. No, Leeney is not the prettiest in her class, nor is she the brightest, but she is smart enough to know that.

Leeney has an issue with trusting people so most of the time she doesn't seem to share anything with anyone. The only people she's truly opened up to so far are going to be kept a secret. Gaining her trust is hard too, so I wouldn't recommend trying, you'll get nowhere.

She seems to be obsessed with being beautiful, and keeps trying, but sometimes she just doesn't see a point in it. Her heart is already broken, and honestly the only man allowed to pick the pieces back up is the love of her life,the air she can't live without, her loving, incredulous, whimsical, wonderful baby-boy.

If you did not understand the last part, her baby-boy is her boyfriend and she loves him more than words can describe.


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Viewing 7 of 7 comments.


Report | 12/25/2008 11:58 am


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<3 Momo =D

Report | 11/02/2008 8:49 pm


Hey thanks for commenting >.< I'm glad you joined us and I hope your having fun
Censored Doll

Report | 11/02/2008 10:32 am

Censored Doll

I must say Hello in comment form. I have no idea why. But, Hiiiiyaaahhhh.

-Claire Bear.
Euphonic Sadist

Report | 11/02/2008 10:04 am

Euphonic Sadist

What's up?
Euphonic Sadist

Report | 11/02/2008 9:47 am

Euphonic Sadist

okie, sorry.
Euphonic Sadist

Report | 11/02/2008 9:21 am

Euphonic Sadist

Allo, Deenz.
Tsumiko Cordelia

Report | 11/02/2008 12:32 am

Tsumiko Cordelia

Welcome to my profile, feel free to look around. I hope you like it. The information in the about me section is information about me in real life. Thank you for your time.