Info on me
Do NOT spam my profile. If you spam my profile, I will leave you ONE warning comment on your profile, and if you continue to spam me after that, I WILL report you.Now that that's out of the way, on to more pleaseant things. biggrin Hello. I'm Travelgirl2009, but most people call me Travel or Trav. I've been a member of gaia since 2006 and I've loved every minute of it. I'm 24 years old and graduated from high school in 2009. I'm currently in college, working on my Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education. I earned my Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Care and Education December 2013. My all time favorite show is Doctor Who, in case you couldn't tell from my profile. sweatdrop . If you haven't seen it, you MUST check it out. It's to die for. I love just about anything that has to do with pirates. Call me weird, but often i wish I'd been born back in the day of Black Beard, Long John Silver, and other pirates like them. I woulda made a damn good female pirate too. I love the sea. (There was even a Doctor Who episode about pirates!) Well, there's not much else you need to know about me. but if you need help figuring me out here's a small list:
-DOCTOR WHO!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- country music♥♥
- books♥♥
- writing poetry♥♥
- Christian music
- Rock music♥♥♥♥
- ♪♫singing♫♪
- CHOCOLATE!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- camping
- people who buy me things
- shiny stuff♥♥
- making friends(even though i'm shy)
- shopping
- swimming♥♥♥
- cooking
- rain
- playing in the rain
- spiders
- back stabbers
- lies
- veggies
- snakes
- bugs
- fish
- brothers
- cheaters
- teachers
- homework
- 40 year old stalkers(which i have)
that's just alittle bit about me. if you would like to know more about me, just talk to me. BYE!~♥
this is me:
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LOL ~ I jam it into my purse because it's on such a long chain. It's really supposed to be for a "necklace" I guess, but I don't wear it that way.
It gave me a chuckle what you said about your class ~ I hate public ANYTHING as well, even when I was in high school (maybe even before) I couldn't stand in front of class and give a report, or sing for an audition or anything like that. I just froze. I also wanted to be a teacher, but made some bad life choices, so it didn't happen. If I could go back and do it again, I'd make different choices.
Take it easy ~ and hope to talk to you soon!!!! biggrin
GAH! First of all, delete that other post I just put up LOL. Apparently we have a limit on how many letters/numbers we can use, and I exceeded it. Didn't get any warning, though...and NO edit button. Sorry. Now.....about Netflix: OMG, right? I still can't believe they took it off. I always enjoyed going back to those "old" episodes...AND they had everything from #9 to our most recent beloved Doctor. I never got a chance to watch all of them. *sigh* Oh, well, I guess we'll just have to wait....hmmmm, oh, maybe Amazon Prime has them. I'm gonna go have a looksee. LOL! *hugs*