Traeh Meadowbrook

Traeh Meadowbrook's avatar

Last Login: 01/29/2008 4:18 pm

Registered: 03/15/2007

Gender: Male


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Hello! *Waves* I guess you want to know a little about me huh? Of course you do, what other reason would you be reading this? No. That was not a question that needed answering.

My name's Traeh, but you can call me anything you wish; I just might choose not to answer. Okay... Moving right along. I'm new to Gaia and am still exploring. Some of the people I've already met were freindly and good for a chat. I enjoy (Can that really be the right word?) fishing at different lakes. It's a challenge with my cheap, wooden rod and ultra cheap F Grade fish food.

Well, that's all for now I think. Time for me to explore a bit more.

Also, check out my journal. I'll be posting a little story in there. It'll be a work-in-progress type thing. Just don't expect updates every day... or even every week...


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The story of Traeh Meadowbrook and how he has to watch over his freind Rewolf. (In no way connected to the Rewolf Gaia user) XD I only just now checked to see if there was someone using that name.


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gatinha4u Report | 05/04/2007 9:43 am
hi neigbor^_^
nice home
Traeh Meadowbrook Report | 03/19/2007 3:37 pm
Check out the story I'm writting in my journal. I don't have a plot line yet, so it's going to be slow going for now. Please leave a comment, I accept constructive criticism!
Traeh Meadowbrook Report | 03/17/2007 8:34 am
Happy St. Patricks Day everyone!
Traeh Meadowbrook Report | 03/16/2007 8:12 pm
Thanks. I haven't done much to it yet.
Nikash333 Report | 03/16/2007 5:26 pm
I just checked ur profile!! Nice.


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