
i died




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

nintendo fish

Report | 04/09/2008 5:47 am

nintendo fish

    omg, i love white rabbit. i couldn't get enough of it, when i first heard it on a commercial for that one video game, idk what it's called.


Report | 04/06/2008 1:59 am


I got the same shirt too courtney thnx for the idea i didnt even know it was at the store.

Report | 04/06/2008 12:43 am


Courtneyyyyy o:

I haven't talked to you in like foreverrr.

How are youuuu?
Gods Blessing

Report | 04/03/2008 9:04 pm

Gods Blessing

Sorry I couldnt reply!

I logged off right after you comment'ed Courtney!

Are you still on break? I'm doing pretty good, but I will be moving soon.

Not away from America but to a different house here in Mira Mesa haha. (Going to live in my uncles house now away from our current apartment)

So I see your pc isnt fixed yet. God that stinks! Cause I know exactly how you feel. Trust me lol.

Well as for my school days its been horrible. I need to seriously bump my grades up or im screwed.

Oh and speaking of the dentist, I have a Dentist appointment sometime this weekend. I need to get a clean up/check up on my teeth. Maybe some drilling and a fill ups.

Well I'll catch you maybe tomorrow, I'll be home after school or so. Perhaps I could catch you on aim?

I'll talk to you later Courtney. Take care.

Report | 03/25/2008 9:27 pm


courtney are u like some skeliton model only wearing the new items luls
Gods Blessing

Report | 03/25/2008 3:46 pm

Gods Blessing



My easter was boring as hell.

So you went to the dentist for break. Scary I hate the dentist.

I just noticed on the picture in your profile that you have your new glasses. I just remembered that you told me something a few weeks ago about getting new glasses. And now you have it! Looks good on you.

Break is already over for me we started going back to school yesturday. It went by way too fast =_=

So your on your mom's pc eh? I hope your other pc gets fixed soon.

And thanks this music is HYPE! But I'm going to change it soon.

Gods Blessing

Report | 03/23/2008 10:42 pm

Gods Blessing

Happy Easter Courtney!

User Image

I miss you!!!

Report | 03/22/2008 11:44 am



my computer is dead.

so i won't be on much.

but i will check comments whenever i can


Report | 03/21/2008 9:05 pm


omg courtney your profile layouts never seem top stop amazing me. =). seriously.

and i think you have the klaxons music here too? i cant tell hahaha. wow. good stuff. iuhetgihtgiutg.

ch'yeah. Hi courtney! : DDDDD
Gods Blessing

Report | 03/19/2008 12:31 pm

Gods Blessing

Lol at the comment below (Stupid Jops)

Hey Courtney! Whats up?

By now your testing days should be over I hope you did well in all of them.

Darn you still went to school in that weather condition thats crazy!

I would have stayed at home if that was the case for me HAHA

So spring break is probably in 2 weeks for you huh? Well i hope your school days go by fast as hell so you can start relaxing.

Alright ttyl then, take care.