
Name: Toyamaru Morotoba
Alias: Sakura Ronin
Era: Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.)
Location: Japan
Toyamaru Morotoba. Born April 15, 1697 A.D. He was born into a family of slave and brothel merchants, and was expected to eventually become a merchant himself. However, Toyamaru reacted differently to the slaves. Instead of degrading them, he tried to help them by any means possible: giving larger rations to the starving, protection to the weak by use of swordsmanship. The merchants did not understand his actions. "Why?" They asked. "A boy of fifteen doing nothing but helping these dogs!" Two years passed, and Toyamaru was eventually abandoned by his family. He set off on his own, a wanderer. His travels led him to extraordinary places and people. He was given the title "The Sakura Ronin" for his amazing swordsmanship and drifting ways: for he blew in and out of lives like cherry blossom petals in the wind.