Tiger the Dark Angel

Tiger the Dark Angel's avatar

Birthday: 12/29


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wat can i say about me? names Jenny but i go by Tiger, bffs call me tiggy tho. i have alot of friends but im new to this so i don't rly have any on here right now...
my bffs in rl r weird like me and rly rly random, im funny and im a blonde so don't b askin me alot of Q for sumone rly smart. my fav color is blue fav animal is Tiger umm i race motocross and ha te the color pink but they call me rosa in my spainish class at school, rosa meanspink. im not a fake so u call me one ur lyin and don't know me. i don't let ppl mess with my friends or my sis jelly. im an only child razz , jelly and Aut r my bffs and my sistaz. i love to meet new ppl so talk to me anytime ^-^

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