this is my funny face

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Birthday: 11/25


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Hmm, let's see. What do you need to know about me? Well, I am female, for one thing. Let's see, likes? Dislikes? Well, I dislike a lot of things, to be sure, and since the list is probably too long for this, I'll just tell you what I like, and maybe you can figure out the rest.

I'm a bass player (both upright and electric), so I like well, bass, obviously, and I also listen to an unhealthy amount of music. I write a lot, mostly in the summer when I have time, so my fingers hate me, and my keyboard knows all my quirks. I like to read just about more than anything in the world, and my 'night out' on a Saturday usually consists of reading crappy, addicting fanfiction and messing around on deviantart.

Well, there's not that much else. I'm not going to tell you what I look like, or where I live (well, not exactly. I'm in Austin, but that's a big city, so good luck razz ), though I don't have a problem giving you my gmail. So yeah. If you ask for a picture, I'll go out and find something really stupid or funny and give you that, and if you ask for a number, I'll give you the number for First Wok Chinese restaurant (which is a good place, just saying).

Anywho, that's it! I'm usually always up to chat, and hang out, and whatever. I'll probably tag some interests so that if you're lame enough to go check those out, fell free. Oh, and for those of you that've read this far, good luck with that whole 'life' thing. You're probably gonna need it.


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Triltsch Report | 07/13/2009 3:24 pm
Hello, dear!



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