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If you love me you will get me one of these items xD

I am who i am. I like what i like. I love who i love. I do what i want. Get off my back and deal with it! smile


I am Mary hear me ROAWR!!

TheLoveOfOutrage's avatar

Birthday: 06/09


Hello ^.♥
Music is my life(: can't live without:3
My favorite colors are neons and purple:3
I'm easy to talk to, and if you need a friend i'd be happy to help(: but if you piss me off I'll make you regret it -__-
I listen to both rock and pop (only a little tho)
I'm straight up truthful with peoople, doesn't make me mean, just makes me honest xD.
So lets get this ish straigh... I'm not emo,goth,punk, or scene.. I just have a different taste then you.
I hate staring.. so if you know me and see somewhere... please dont stare it much more polite to say hi.
I have trust porblems so don't think im gunna trust you on the first day.
I hate guys that ask me out before they know me.. im going to say no -.-
My closest friends are.. ilovechanningtatum Shes my unicorn so , Back off hoes c:
I'm a very open-minded person c:..
I love to draw c:
DO NOT say "k" im just gunna finish the alphabet for you -.- or i won't reply cause your that damn boring .-.
I can be very very rude .-. but thats only if i have a reason to..
I absolutely hate when guys say I'm sexy .-. It's just more gentlemen like to say Beautiful or gorgeous c:
I don't have a problem if you're gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
I'm not stuck up .-.
I like making friends c:
I tend to call people babe or hun.. It doesn't mean im flirting with you.
I don't like to really blend in or follow what people say im very rebelious.
If you have a problem with me don't talk behind my back.. say it to my face .-.
Duckfaces i hate duckfaces >.> So don't do it unattractive
I have an open heart c: and will accept you c: ... But if your just a fake screw you -.-
i adore photography c:
I'm insecure about myself..
I'm not a whore so don't treat me like one -.-
Im stubborn
I accept all friend requests(:
But if your like a creep im going to delete you -.-
I like to read c:
I took crap from people alot n now im done so if you wanna talk trash say to my face then we'll see whos laughing >.<
I'm not a bish.. I'm just tired of people..
I do sometimes suffer depression.. Im not bi-polar
So Thats a part of me.. only a few kno the rest c:.
wooh^.♥ byee c:


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underbears Report | 08/06/2012 8:32 pm
hey man
Reno Redonkulous Report | 08/05/2012 10:59 pm
Reno Redonkulous
Ooooohhhhh, what's it like? o.o
Reno Redonkulous Report | 08/05/2012 7:18 pm
Reno Redonkulous
Lol, what's up?
Reno Redonkulous Report | 08/05/2012 6:48 pm
Reno Redonkulous
Reno Redonkulous Report | 08/04/2012 11:16 am
Reno Redonkulous
^ ^
Pistol Annie Report | 08/03/2012 12:37 pm
Pistol Annie
But still sad
I'm really sorry
Pistol Annie Report | 08/03/2012 12:27 pm
Pistol Annie
Oh, I'm sorry :c
I hate hackers, they honestly have no lifes.
Pistol Annie Report | 08/03/2012 12:05 pm
Pistol Annie
size=10]Hello ! Do you just start Gaia or is that like a new account?
Jaden Ryuki Report | 08/02/2012 9:19 pm
Jaden Ryuki
Hey. C: thanks for adding me. ^^ You want that slippers in your wishlist? I have those slippers. c:

Stalkers c;


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