
well this is my profile....I'm kinda fond of it, but then again I'm biased. But, on the other hand, if you think that it's the best in the world then that wouldn't be all that bad.

[I like pop-tarts

Behold all that is to be known about me....at least some of it

okay well, I'm very interested in art. Not just drawing, in fact, it's actually the only area that I don't excel in. It's weird... I write, sing, direct, photograph, read (yes I consider reading an art). I consider myself a philosopher even though no one else would think so because I'm just a child.

I tend to become very attached to people simply because they look pretty. I just like looking at them... I will actually stare at people for the longest time just admiring the porpotions and colors and textures of their body. People are going to think I am so weird but I look at humans as walking paintings

I like: food (every kind, all of it), GOD (rock on my brethren), my daddy, my brother, art, music, my huge family that no one can really escape, Lutherhill, my old youth director Will, camp songs, pretty beany man, vegetarians (even though I'm not one), manga at times, READING!!!!, hacky-sacs, my camera (pets camera), my other, less cool, camera, to dance in the rain, play in the hot tub in the rain (scarier), movie nights, knitting!!!!, Pastor D. and Pastor Jennie, strawberry cheesecake ice cream, cats

I dislike: people who are overdramatic, the fact that I hate my friends, temptation, my mother, people who type in an odd fashion simply to save time, people who stereotype (I'm trying to stop), people who bash christians, people who wear clothes that are way too small, fat people who don't know they're fat, people who are tone deaf (even though it's not your fault, I still hate you) Mr. Dunlap, sluts, certain speech impediments (libary for library and arthur for author) they drive me CRAZY!

Favorite Authors: Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. She's at the top of the list because she is the freaking queen of my life!!! Vivian Vande Velde. also very sweet! Tamora Pierce. But I only really liked the Circle of Magic quartet. Mary E. Pearson, Gail Carson Levine. Freaking sweet! Annette Curtis Klause. Julie Reece Deaver. Read the book in a day!!

and who can forget Stephanie Meyer!!!

Favorite bands: Honestly I try to follow bands but I can't so I usually just buy whatever's popular at the time. I LOVE music. So I'll listen to anything that isn't vulgar or offensive. I absolutley love country music because the songs remind me of when I was little and they've alwasy got a good tune. I'm into rock because I can relate to it more and the tempo is different but equally awesome. I love religous music because the songs are so powerful and the newer stuff is surprisingly modern and really catchy. My friends even make me listen to Japanese pop! I like celtic because of all the instruments and all the different vocals. Opera is even slightly appealing to me since I'm in choir. I think it's neat to listen to them because they make all the songs sound so easy but I really know how tough that stuff is. I just love music!

I love you all, you lovely Gaians!


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Bunny's Ramblings

Ummm yeah this is my random journaly thingy.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/24/2007 9:46 pm


School starts Monday, so I'll see you then! =D
Erin puppy

Report | 03/24/2007 7:54 am

Erin puppy

Miss Tofu

Report | 02/19/2007 3:20 pm

Miss Tofu

ugh! TAKS is tomorrow! *annoyed*

Report | 02/19/2007 10:42 am


Erin puppy

Report | 02/14/2007 3:34 pm

Erin puppy

HAPPY SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY =O 8D :valentineheart: [/valentinecolor]
Erin puppy

Report | 02/11/2007 2:45 pm

Erin puppy

-squeakles for you-

Report | 02/01/2007 6:34 am


My favorite authors are Eoin Colfer and Margaret Peterson-Haddix
Erin puppy

Report | 01/17/2007 2:13 pm

Erin puppy

I love you

Report | 01/07/2007 8:48 pm


I hate not having a voice...it kinda sucks....
especially when I want to rock out and sing...it sounds like I'm chocking on a chicken.....
Erin puppy

Report | 12/27/2006 11:11 am

Erin puppy

I liket when I don't match my background >D
'Tsall good~


Sonnie is lazy...she neglects Gaia way too often
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she has accepted this and so should you...