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Call me Icy. I have been on Gaia since its inception.
Big goth vibes.
This pandemic SUCKS. I'm back on here because I'm bored and stuck at home. Hopefully one day I'll have better things to do. xD
Why do I keep returning to this place? I dunno, there ain't anything like it anywhere else.
I'm kind to those nonjudgmental and approachable types.
I have a plethora of hobbies – I like to draw and I’m creative. I also like to code websites.
I really like hiking, forests, ps4 games, pc games, working out & eating :O
I'm also kinda too old to be on here, but fugit
Don't be shy, send me a PM if you want to learn more about me.

Birthday: Feb 1
Time Zone: EST
LVL: ?????