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Unite Unite Unite

The Uniter's avatar

Birthday: 06/19


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130 Facts About Me

(1)For 19 years and 7 months I was an only child. On January 20, 2010 Andrew James was welcomed into my life as my little brother.

(2) I'm currently 21 years old wishing my life could be a bit more interesting.

(3) I live in Illinois currently but was raised in Tennessee for most of my life.

(4) My favorite colors are red and blue.

(5)My favorite animal is a monkey.

(6) I am probably one of the 1,500 people in the United States who do not have a cell phone. However I do have an Ipod that allows me to text now as long as I'm in wifi area.

(7)I am not conceted but I will say I have some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

( cool I care more about others than I do about my own life.

(9) I have a low self esteem.

(10) My favorite features about myself are my eyes, smile, lips, and...butt.

(11) I am 100% straight in sexuality even though the way I act might make you think otherwise.

(12) I am single right now and this fact use to say I was taken by a special man but nope not anymore. smile

(13) I've done many things wrong in my life but yet only have a few regrets that ever comes to mind.

(14) I'll tell you like it is, rather than what you want to hear.

(15) I listen to about everything but my favorite bands are still The Eagles, Nickelback, and Creed.

(16) I do not have any tattoos on my body nor do I want any.

(17) I consider myself to be a rather boring person but others say I'm crazy, fun, and spontaneous.

(1 cool I'm a virgin, and plan to stay that way until married or have found the man I want to marry.

(19) I find abortion to be wrong no matter what.

(20) My first name is not actually Nicole but something else. Nicole is my middle name, but I've gone by it my whole life.

(21) My favorite movie ever is Pay It Forward.

(22) I hate drugs with great passion due to losing members of my family to them.

(23) I do not smoke, nor do I ever want to.

(24) I have never been arrested. However, I have been to jail. He just didn't arrest me. I was taken to jail because I couldn't pay the gas that I had purchased so I was held in jail until someone came to pay it for me. Thanks Dad! smile

(25) I seem like a casual good girl and truthfully I use to be, but now I'm far from even going back to that.

(26) I am 97% European and about 3% Native American.

(27) I've been writing since I was 12 years old in 7th grade.

(2 cool I have been published as a writer in a few things and have received 1 trophy for doing so in high school.

(29) I want to be an English teacher one day.

(30) I believe in God.

(31) I question what true love is all the time.

(32) I open myself to people way to fast always getting hurt and used in the end.

(33) I am not that great at holding promises, and am sorry for that.

(34) I am a very honest person when it comes to lots of things.

(35) I wasn't away from my brother for a full 24 hours until 5-31-10. He was 4 months old. I can't stay away to long. He is my life and the reason I carry this smile I have. I have only been away for one day so far.

(36) I do not wear glasses, nor do I have any contacts. I have 20/20 vision.

(37) I am only 5'4'' tall.

(3 cool I do not have one cavity or filling inside of my mouth. I try hard to keep my teeth perfect.

(39) My lucky and favorite number is 3. It practically follows me around everywhere I go.

(40) I didn't have my first rl boyfriend until I was 18 years old.

(41) I know what its like all to well to lose the ones we care so much about.

(42) I am terrible at math, so if you ever need help with it, don't ask me!

(43) I hate snow! I use to love it, but now that I'm driving and have lived in the state of serious snow storms, I hate it!

(44) My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall.

(45) I didn't get my licence until I was 18 years old.

(46) I graduated high school in 2008, I was 17 years old.

(47) I'm completely new to Gaia and feel like the oldest person here sometimes because of my age.

(4 cool I have a what I like to call talent for getting shy people to open up to me and tell me their life story. I'm pretty cool and friendly like that. Just kidding!

(49) I've always loved animals. Right now I have a German Shepard. He's a little strange, but I still love him.

(50) I'm not that smart (or so I think), but don't worry I have other characteristics that make up for that.

(51) I'm left handed.

(52) I was diagnosed with ADD at 11 years old.

(53) I've had 4 real life boyfriends in my life.

(54) I've had 4 online boyfriends.

(55) The only piercing on my body is on my ears.

(56) My favorite song is "Follow Me" by Uncle Kracker.

(57) I've never had a stalker before and I'm content with that.

(5 cool I am making many friends on this site and I'm loving it.

(59) I've had my share of bans on other sites before. I'm trying to contain myself.

(60) I will treat you with the upmost respect until you prove to me you don't deserve it.

(61) I hate liars more than many things but yet I am a big one when it comes to my parents.

(62) I tend to be a hypocrite.

(63) I have some young parents. My mom was 18 and my dad was 25 when they had me.

(64) I get confused very easily.

(65) I am a true clutz at life. I run into things way to easily.

(66) It is truly hard to keep my attention for long periods of time.

(67) You have to tell me things about 3 times to finally get it stuck in my head.

(6 cool When it comes to people telling me what's best for me, I tend not to listen. I have to find out for myself.

(69) The secrets that I once had are now known to most people I know.

(70) My favorite shows are: Secret Life of An American Teenager, Boy Meets World, Vampire Diaries, American Idol, So Weird and Supernatural.

(71) I've never been out of North America.

(72) My parents were truck drivers half my life leaving me to be raised by my grandparents from 5 to 13.

(73) When it comes to a glass half full, or empty, I see just a glass with water in it.

(74) I have too much love in my heart to give to this world.

(75) I'm a very understanding person. If you need to talk, I'm always available.

(76) The first time I was drunk was on 12/5/09.

(77) I'm struggling right now to get a job.

(7 cool I've met 5 people online before.

(79) I can be very dramatic. Speaking of which, I am a fellow Thespian. (No, not a lesbian)

(80)I seem to get headaches all the time. It rather sucks, but I've had bad migraines since I was around 11 years old.

(81) I took 3 years of Spanish in high school, but yet still cannot speak Spanish.

(82)I'Ve NeVeR bEeN rEaLlY fOnD oF pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs.

(83)I think gay people are some of the best friends you can ever have in life but I don't have one as my best friend.

(84)I have some of the worst spelling ever, yet I still want to teach English.

(85)I've never found a talent of mine other than writing.

(86)I do not watch television that often these days.

(87)Ever since 9/11/01 I really don't watch the news that much. All they really show is sadness so why even bother.

(8 cool I truly believe in the depths of my heart that one day someone from this site that I know well will be famous, known world wide, and have a decent amount of cash.

(89)My ex boyfriends mom one day asked me what the meaning of happiness was and to this day I still don't have a clue!

(90)I've never broken a bone in my body other than fracturing one of my fingers from playing basketball in 8th grade.

(91)I have cut myself before but have sworn to never do it ever again.

(92)I have dirty blonde hair and hazel (blue/green/gray/sometimes brown) eyes.

(93) My eye color changes with my mood. It's like a mood ring.

(94)I celebrate Easter twice a year. American Easter and Greek Easter.

(95)I have some of the craziest dreams you'd ever imagine and well if I ever tell you that you were in one May God have Mercy On Your Soul.

(96)I've been in a mental hospital before for not sleeping for two weeks straight and going into psychosis. (Psychotic Episode)

(97)I do not believe that vampires exist no matter how many of my online or real life friends believe they truly are one. Sorry!

(9 cool I love to talk on the phone with people from this site, but hate talking on the phone when it comes to the people I know in person. (Besides the five I met on here)

(99)I use the world "like" way to much.

(100)You'll grow to love me!

(101) I currently still live with my parents, but I have left home a few times before just to get away.

(102) I cannot remember anything previous to being 6 years old.

(103) I recently had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. I guess that means I will never be wise.

(104) I hate cooking. My parents tell me I will never have a husband because I won't learn to cook, but that is not true. We shall live off of Ramen, Grilled Cheeese, Scrambled Eggs, and Spagetti. What a healthy family we will be.

(105) I love to be outside and take long walks. It helps me relax.

(106) I've only been in love twice in my life.

(107) My birthday is on the 19th of June. I was born at 4:14pm. I was a late baby by a month and came out blue with no oxygen.

(10 cool My best friend is actually one of the people on this site. He is one of the only straight guy friends I have, that I know in person and one of the closest friends I could probably ever have. I am pretty close to trusting him with my life.

(109) I am trying my hardest to be able to donate my hair to the locks of love foundation. I have to grow my hair out three more inches and I will be able to.

(110) I tell my mom about every day to get pregnant again so I can have a sister. I have always wanted to be able to share that bond two sisters share.

(111) I am a very stubborn girl coming from a family of Greeks who are even worse than me.

(112) I have a major attitude problem, and most of my friends know it.

(113) I may be an adult, but I still act like a child half the time.

(114) I'm not that mature for my age, but I am more mature than my own boyfriend.

(115) I do not attend Church that often, but I want to.

(116) My biggest fears are ants, big big spiders, snakes, and the dark.

(117) I love taking pictures of myself, but hate looking at myself in the mirror.

(11 cool I never run out of anything to say. Go ahead and ask my closest friend. I once told him a story about the sky on the way to walmart once.

(119) I have only been to 4live concerts in my life, but about to be 4 on July 4th. (N'sync, Avril Lavigne, Slip Knot, Carrie Underwood, and Creed w Skillet.

(120) I hate to swear and I dislike hearing people swear.

(121) I walk different than most other people.

(122) I open my mouth most of the time before I even think of what I am going to say.

(123) I hate growing up! I rather stay a child forever.

(124) I love the rain and I love hearing the thunder and seeing the lightning.

(125) I love being hugged by almost anyone I am friends with or is part of my family. If you ever hug me, you will almost always hear me say as a reply. "Yay, I love hugs!"

(126) I end up on the weirdest journeys of my life that I never knew even existed for me.

(127) I love to go swimming.

(12 cool I am who I am and frankly no one but myself can change that.

(129) I have many flaws and characteristics of mine (such as my attitude) that I try to overcome everyday.

(130) My poetry can open you up to my own heart, a
t times.

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XX_BaByJoKeR_JaY_XX Report | 08/10/2011 9:04 pm
lol u raised the stakes and u were in a game lol i couldnt get in and i didnt think to tell u to not raise the stakes
maryroseblood Report | 08/05/2011 11:14 am
thx...ur the 1 that really help me cuz b4 that i nvr new how 2 change/edit my file b4 3nodding whee
maryroseblood Report | 07/24/2011 4:21 pm
i fanilyy got it
rofl 4laugh biggrin blaugh
maryroseblood Report | 07/21/2011 12:58 pm
your welcome blaugh and i yah i no what to do but i just cant um how u say um put it in sad
maryroseblood Report | 07/21/2011 12:20 pm
im having a hard time putting on still emo gonk crying
maryroseblood Report | 07/19/2011 10:22 am
just my playlist thats all plz and thank u 3nodding blaugh o and how to post a pic of my friends dramallama rofl
maryroseblood Report | 07/17/2011 3:06 pm
i need help still i have no idea wat i am doing emo crying gonk sweatdrop
maryroseblood Report | 07/17/2011 2:42 pm
uh i actually dont no this at all lol blaugh 3nodding
jorjorbonks Report | 07/08/2011 11:20 am
You there?

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This is my brother Andrew

This is me when I was 14

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