Girl:Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy:No, this is fun.
Girl:No its not, please, It's so scary.
Guy:Then tell me you love me.
Girl:I love you, slow down.
Guy:Now give me a big hug
*she gives him a big hug*
Guy:Can you take my helmet off me and put it on yourself, It's really bothering me.
The next day in the newspaper a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure.Two people were in the crash, but only one survived.The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know.Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time.Then he had her put on his helmet so that she would live even if it meant that he would die.
If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this into your profile.
Ok- Let's kick this! I am one person with three different minds- Cedric (Me-neutral, mild-mannered) Fabio (Some of you may know him- he also goes by Germaine) and Alex (Let's just say he's Alex.
sweatdrop )
Well, I have so many awesome friends, I want to recognize them all:
Fumbles McStupid 000 (one of the three people who introduced me into Gaia.
~Gothic Werewolf or Black_Horse_Spies (Another who got me into gaia)
~Koga_Shippo, Shippo_Koga, Kai Faoxmoon, or Talking Rock(The last of the three who convinced me to join Gaia.)
~Flame Fox
~Uber Ninja Spy (My SISTER!!!!)
~LIGTHSPIRIT (One of my first friends)
~and a bunch of others that I can't remember! (Sorry, guys and gals!
sweatdrop )
On BooMansion ( www.boomansion.net) this is my RPG character:
Mood: In Love My favorite quote is from George Bernard Shaw, the Irish writer. "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in you closet, then you might as well teach it to dance"
Click here to level up my card! Pweaze?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Avi Art!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks, Ember!
Thank you, Silleh!
Thanks, Stone Rose!
Thanks blkchaosdrgn
Thanks, Kai the Phaux! You rock!
There's nothing I love more than a great big threatening button that must not be pressed under ANY circumstances.
Clic the pic to read my awesome story, The Rath Chronicles!
If you click it, it won't die.
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