
Wouldn't you like to know about me?
About little ol' me?

I believe you do...
I believe in a lot of things
The sky, the earth

And it's ok if you make mistakes
Everyone does

I don't think that everyone quite understands that, though...
It's almost sad
But smile
It shows the real you, even if your hurt

Did you know...
A smile is as easy to read as a book
A sad smile...
A happy smile...

You can always tell
even a fake smile...

You see....
I believe in magic
I believe in the paranormal
I believe in spirits and things that
Well... not everyone believes in

But that's me ^^

And I believe in myself now too
I didn't use to...
But things change

And I met someone amazing
He certainly saved me
And I couldn't love anyone more
He's my husband now. ^^

If you'd like to know more, feel free to talk to me any time.
I'm a good friend, and I'll help you if you need help, too.
Even if you're a stranger, feel free to just ask
"I need help"
and I'll see what I can do. ^^


I'm very used to being referred to
As Harry Potter
Or as Dumbledore
Or even Merlin

But I won't complain
I do enjoy the playful banter
Just don't confuse me with a cosplayer
And bash me in the name of something I am not

I'm not Harry Potter
Or Dumbledore
or Gandolf
Or any other wizard

I am the meer
one who practices magic
but not a wizard

I do love music
Of all various kinds
I'm sure you can tell
If you listen to my playlist for a bit

I also enjoy art
drawings, paintings, animations
They're all very intriguing
And I would very much appreciate all avi art
Both donated and given to me at a price

If you've met me in towns
i'm sure you've realized that I'm playful
I can be sarcastic and maybe rude at times
But I'm friendly and open for the most part

I also have a very bad habit of changing my avi too much
and going bankrupt in the process
If you like my avi
Give me a shout
Encourage me to keep it
So that I will have the backup I need to do so
Because I lack confidence in my own avatar

Especially in the sense that
my avatar rarely matches my personality
It's usually too dark and evil
Or too light and innocent

Though I've been called innocent quite often
Both in Gaia and in my real life
And I suppose their reasons are justified
But I don't see myself as being so...

Anyways, as I said before
I'm always open to new friends
And I consider myself to be a good friend to have
So feel free to chat with me anytime.


Viewing 10 of 10 friends



Viewing 10 of 18 comments.

o Kiddo

Report | 11/18/2009 7:20 pm

o Kiddo

overall gen's average for inari beads is 455k. o-o;;

41Ok inari?
super monkey12345

Report | 11/18/2009 7:01 pm

super monkey12345

trade u my dumb ghost sheet for ur inaris beads?

Report | 11/18/2009 5:56 pm


hey can i have ur beads thing for my grunny slippers and my grunny shirt

Report | 11/18/2009 5:46 pm


T- T

Report | 11/18/2009 5:15 am


Hello, I seen ur Angelic manner, I would very much like it, I will give u my Magical girl idem for it.

Report | 10/28/2009 6:07 pm


Happy Early Randomish Birthday~~~~~! :3~~~~~~~~~~! biggrin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
II hitsugaya-san II

Report | 03/03/2009 8:32 pm

II hitsugaya-san II

if u were all grown up wat would u look like?
Fire Nation Zuko

Report | 01/24/2009 12:51 am

Fire Nation Zuko


Report | 01/21/2009 10:49 pm


wows nice avi

Report | 01/21/2009 12:46 pm




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